Nefu Garumudo

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Everything started out black, before the host's voice could be heard. "Just listen..." Rage said simply with an echo accompanying his voice, before the briefest glimpse of a red eye was shown, accompanied by epic Egyptian music as a group of hunters pulled up to an island from the sea, then were seen running through the desert. "Behold his beauty, behold his power and behold his fury. Nefu Garumudo... Let's do it!" Rage declared as a quadrupedal dragon with black and gold, armor-like scales, along golden feathered wings and the head of a jackal walked through the desert and roared at the hunters, engaging them in combat.

The group was hooked as soon as the beat dropped. "Oh, my gods! This music is killer!" Yang said, vibing hard to the music.

"I know, right? This is way different from the music I usually listen to, but this theme is getting me amped!" Coco agreed.

"It kind of reminds me of some Vacuoan music Sun showed me before he and Neptune left for Mistral and I went back to Menagerie. That was good to, but this definitely has it beat." Ilia added.

But then, they saw the dragon in all its glory. "Oh, my gosh! That thing is so badass!" Nora cried out.

"I know. It looks so terrifying and yet, so regal and majestic." Cinder said in awe.

"It's head looks like some kind of wolf or jackal, but yet it is also a reptilian dragon with scales... but also feathered wings?" Penny wondered.

"Yeah. It's so strange, but it looks SO right all coming together like that. Like something out of ancient mythology. Maybe even some kind of deity." Blake said in wonderment, even though the creature's canine-like head should be terrifying to her.

"Not to mention, it has gold plating on itself. Is it actually smart enough to make some form of armor for itself?" Winter questioned.

Boats out in the ocean were shown sinking, before an island could be seen. "Hello, my fellow hunters, today's journey into monster lore is a special one indeed, because we're not just exploring a monster, we're exploring Markja Island, an island that sadly has fallen to natural disasters similar to the Frontier, gone and lost from our world. An absolute tragedy, because they had some of the most incredible monsters of any region monsters can be found. Like it's actually silly how incredible some of them be." The host explained, showing images of a blue and gold, jackal-headed raptor, a Mizutsune with white scales, dark purple fur and antennae with electricity coursing between them and inside the bubbles it generated and a Brachydios with ice covering it along with its slime mold.

Many were saddened that yet another region full of monsters was now no more. "Another wondrous land filled with incredibly creatures now lost forever. Truly a shame." Ozpin said, hanging his head in respect for the fallen land and its inhabitants, both people and monsters.

"Aww, that raptor looked so cute!" Ruby cooed.

"Yeah. I wouldn't have thought gold and blue go together like that, but it works." Neo said.

"Almost like white, pink and brown, right?" Roman asked teasingly, to which she rolled her eyes and gave him a small shove, but still smiled.

But then some of them gasped at the Bubble Fox Wyvern. "That Mizutsune is beautiful." Weiss said in awe.

"The pure white just goes so well with that dark purple." Velvet agreed, having a sense of fashion and what colors work together thanks to Coco, so she found those two colors VERY agreeable together.

"And is that electricity in the bubbles!? So this thing has Water and Thunder like Namielle?!" Jaune asked, a bit intimidated by that combo of elements, many of the crew feeling the same way, especially Cinder.

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