Eo Garudia

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A dragon very similar to Nefu Garumudo flew by as epic music began to play while Rage spoke. "A god of the desert." The host began dramatically as the dragon came to a halt in the air, revealing itself to have a falcon-like head. "Some say even a God of Creation." Rage continued as the creature let out a roar and landed, wind spiraling around it to swirl the sand around it. "What is known... Is that it is a god... OF THE SUN!" He declared as it opened its wings, which glowed with a red energy as opposed to Nefu's blue, before it flew back into the sky, radiating red hot as it roared yet again, before creating what looked like a small sun above its head as intensely dramatic choir music played.

In a very similar vein to Nefu Garumudo, the cast was blown away by this opening. "Whoa! That was so awesome!" Ruby cried out in amazement.

"Indeed. It's quite a breathtaking creature. Such a majestic and regal appearance. It's beautiful." Winter said in awe.

"Yeah. Nefu is still pretty amazing, but I gotta say, the gold and red works a bit better than the gold and blue." Coco added.

"And listen to that music! So epic!" Emerald said.

"It does indeed give of an emphasis of power." Ozpin agreed.

Then, they were truly shocked when they saw the monster charging up an attack. "Whoa! Look at that heat it's giving off!" Ilia said in shock.

"Yeah! And that fireball almost looks like a tiny sun!" Nora said in awe.

"I need one of these in my life." Cinder declared.

Footage of ships sinking in a storm was shown. "Hello, my fellow hunters and welcome as we examine the next Elder Dragon to call Markja Island home. Markja a now long lost monster-filled island, but DAMMIT, not forgotten! I will enshrine the INCREDIBLE monsters from the island for ALL to see as we dissect the delicious details of this Elder Dragon." Rage declared as several incredible monsters were shown once again, along with glimpses of the island itself. "We have had Anubis, God of the Dead and master of the Earth..." The host began as familiar footage of Nefu Garumudo was shown, along with its epic music.

"I don't care what any of you stiffs say. That dragon is still, and always will be a badass monster to fight!" Yang told the adults who voted against Nefu's inclusion to Remnant.

"Again, Miss Xiao Long, it's desire to terraform the land and expand the desert into other ecosystems is too dangerous to be allowed on Remnant." Glynda told her.

"I know... But it doesn't change the fact that it's awesome." She insisted.

A group of Hunters were then seen running up to the falcon-headed dragon. "It is only fair, then, that we go higher. Up to the skies, the heavens, the father and the master of existence itself. Yes, this Elder Dragon has BIG-" Rage continued, before suddenly being interrupted as the dragon took to the skies and roared, flying at an angle so its wing slid across the ground, hitting a hunter.

Eo Garudia soared high in the air above some ruins during a storm, thunder booming as a break in the clouds allowed a ray of light to shine down on the dragon. "By the power of Ra." A pair of voices said together as a hunter stabbed a flag down on the ruins, claiming the territory.

"So, Ra is one of these Egyptian gods, then?" Pyrrha asked, to which Katana nodded.

"I remember him being briefly mentioned in Nefu's video, but it was only a quick name drop, then nothing. Could you maybe explain more about him?" Weiss requested.

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