Meeting Their Monsters

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A/N: Hello, everyone! Before we begin, at least half of you in the reviews for last chapter were absolutely panicking that the story was ending here once RWBY and co. got their monster. It's not! Calm down! Jeez! I didn't give ANY indication I'd be stopping after they got their monsters! We're still gonna continue for a while. Also, special thanks to the following people:

Qazse for the names and genders of Ruby, Emerald, Penny, and Jaune's monsters.

Xenthas the Zinogre for the names of Weiss, Neo, Yang and Velvet's monsters.

Sai Kunai Blade for the name of Cinder's monster.

Wish Upon a Sol for the names and genders of all the other monsters

AmaltheaLuchiaAizen for personality quirks.

With that said, I hope you enjoy the rest of the chapter!

Everyone had shielded their eyes when Katana produced a blinding flash of light. When the light faded, everyone slowly lowered their hands from in front of their faces and opened their eyes, before being shocked at what they saw. They were now standing, the room had grown considerably and all the furniture was against the walls and in front of each of them was their promised monster: a Stygian Zinogre stood about 5 feet away from Ruby, a Tidal Najarala was coiled up an equal distance away from Coco, a Lunastra sat elegantly in front of Cinder and so on. "They're here... They're really here!" Ruby said excitedly, her friends and family also looking eager to go forward and meet their new partners as well, but holding themselves together just a bit better. "Come on, Zinogre! Come on!" Ruby encouraged, the Hell Wolf Wyvern. The mighty beast barked happily and rushed forward, bowling Ruby over and licking all over her face, much to her enjoyment.

"Aww, yeah! I got my thunder pony!" Nora cheered, rushing forward and leaping towards her new Kirin, hugging it around the neck and easily dangling off the floor from there.

"Truly amazing." Ironwood said, taking a step towards the Bazelgeuse he aimed to make his own, which suddenly rushed forward and knocked him down. It then stood over him, glaring into his eyes.

"General!" Winter said worriedly. However, before she could do anything, the creature also began to lick Ironwood's face, almost acting like as much of a dog as the Zinogre. "Thank goodness." She sighed in relief.

"That was definitely unexpected." Neo said.

"Speaking of unexpected..." Blake started. The beasts were all impressive, still easily three the size of their human counterparts, but something was off. "Aren't all the monsters a lot smaller than what we saw from them before?" Blake asked. Velvet's Seregios didn't stand much taller than her ears while being coiled made it difficult to tell, via rough estimates, she deduced that Coco's Najarala even was only thirty feet long.

"I put a spell on them. They're travel-sized for your convenience. And they can shrink and grow to the most agreeable size for them depending on whatever room they're in and how much space is available." Katana explained. "You'll even notice..." She continued, before a recliner was suddenly summoned behind Qrow and its foot rest suddenly kicked out, hitting the back of his legs and causing him to fall back into the chair. Once he did so, his Odogaron leapt towards him, visibly shrinking in the air until it landed in his lap, not much larger than a medium-sized dog. "They can shrink to fit in your lap or in your bed with you. And yes, Ruby, he can become small enough so that he and Zwei can fit in your lap or bed together" Katana declared.

"Sen-sational!" Penny said happily as she was laying on her Valstrax's back and rubbing its the back of its neck and its chin.

"Then, what about when we go out somewhere into the field?" Jaune asked.

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