Seltas and Queen

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A/N: Thanks to Insane Boy for the transcript and qazse for help with reactions!

A huntress in stylish green plated armor with some kind of ponytails walked along a mountain region as something observed her from above. "You know it feels like something's missing from the New World something a little bit..." Rage began, before a loud buzzing was heard. "What... what the hell is... the hell is that noise- oof!" He cried out as something flew at the Huntress, dropping her to one knee as it passed just above her, flying away too fast to accurately be seen. "What the hell is that. You can't just do- oh... Jesus I just want to say... what the folks. STOP. Ha ha ha. Shut up okay." Rage cracked up from his intro as the Huntress was repeatedly assailed by a flying menace.

Ruby, Coco, Nora and Emerald all looked on in amazement and desire as they saw the hunter's armor. "That armor looks so cool!" Ruby and Nora said, clasping hands together.

"Yeah. It's functional and stylish. You look good while wearing armor that the Grimm probably couldn't even get through... except for the few open areas." Coco noted.

"And it's perfectly in my color." Emerald added.

Everyone jumped at the fast flying monster. "Whoa! That thing was super fast! Did you guys see that!?" Jaune asked excitedly.

"I couldn't even tell what it was." Pyrrha explained.

"Well, whatever it was, looks like it's giving Rage a hard time!" Qrow chuckled.

"Hello my fellow hunters, today... Well, today we explore giant fuck off monster bugs." Rage explained, whispering the last bit with an ominous echo as the screen went black. "It's creepy, it's terrifying and the counterpart of something much bigger and much scarier but you know it's kind of got its own creepy beauty when viewed from behind very thick glass." Rage explained as a large bug with a huge horn was shown on screen watching the huntress. "So the pair of creepy crawlies today then and yes I did say a pair you and this pair then to me is the most fascinating of all the Neopterans the order which they belong also containing Hornetaur and Vespoid that you've well seen buzzing around, hopping around and generally being right little bastards in the world." He continued as a hunter faced off against a Seltas flying around the jungle.

However, the creature eventually stopped, allowing everyone to see what it was. "Aah! Disgusting! A giant bug!" Weiss cried out.

"Come now, sister. Surely, you aren't still afraid of bugs." Winter said.

"N-no, I'm not! I just... don't enjoy them. This is going to be a terrible episode." Weiss complained, getting small, but noticeable nods from Emerald, Velvet and even Penny.

"And even worse, there's two of them." Emerald groaned.

"For once, I'm with you, minty." Roman agreed with Emerald, shuddering at the thought of these bugs.

"The strongest of the neopterans of course being Konchu!" Rage declared, giving the audience a fake-out as Ahtal-Ka's image was replaced by Konchu's.

When Rage was talking about the strongest Neopteran Neo gestured to Kin with both arms as the Ahtal-Ka posed proudly, only for Konchu to pop up at the last second. A record scratching sound could be heard as Neo and Kin looked at the screen in shock and anger. (What!? Impossible! I could easily rip apart one of those pathetic bowling balls! And with Ahtal-Nesto, I could flatten their entire species!) The mantis monster cried out.

"Yeah! And I would pry them open with my umbrella like a crowbar and shishkabob them!" Neo declared. Everyone else couldn't help but laugh at their expense.

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