Bonus - Cotton's Silly Weapons

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Aylia was waiting around for Cotton to be ready for a hunt, while the pink-haired hunter stood at a storage box. "Give me a minute, I just need to put away my SEVEN Bullfango pelts." He informed his partner as he shifted around his inventory.

"He's just carrying around seven pelts? Boar pelts are pretty heavy because they're so thick. That has to weigh him down a bit." Qrow said.

"How would you know that?" Cinder wondered.

"Raised by bandits, remember? Huntsmen were better at stopping us back in those days. We had to rely more on hunting to survive. Boars were the most plentiful animal out there." Qrow explained.

"Either way, I don't get what he'd need seven pelts for, unless he JUST came from a hunt." Coco said.

The huntress burst out laughing at this. "That and you've got a freaking Bullfango head on a stick!" She laughed as she noticed the boar head hammer her partner had on his back. "I mean, I do agree, the only good Bullfango is a dead Bullfango." She admitted as she started to leave for the hunt.

"Aah! Why more heads on sticks!?" Velvet cried, covering her eyes with her rabbit ears.

"And jeez, she must REALLY hate those Bullfango monsters to say something like that." Ilia said.

"They are one of, if not THE most hated creature amongst the hunters." Katana confirmed.

"Considering they'd rather fight hunters killing their predators than run from said predators, it's not hard to see why." Ironwood said.

Aylia was waiting around for Cotton, who suddenly showed up with a Yian Kut-Ku hammer, another head on a stick. "I asked you to replace the moronic Bullfango head on a stick and..." She began in exasperation, before stopping and shaking her head.

"Ugh! Are we EVER going to stop seeing decapitated monsters as hammers?!" Weiss demanded.

"Seriously, it can't be that effective, can it!? And what's stopping the head hammer's skull from caving in after getting bashed into another monster's face over and over?!" Yang questioned.

"Maybe they reinforce it with metal ores or something?" Jaune theorized.

"Then why not just use a giant chunk of metal on a stick at that point!?" Roman questioned.

"Dear gods, Roman's making sense. It's the end of the world!" Emerald cried out.

"Look, I'm sorry, but every hammer is a head on a stick! Every single one... is a head on a stick!" Cotton informed her as he turned to face her.

"Why would they want to design all their hammers as heads on sticks?!" Ruby cried out.

"I think the better question is, why would hunters want to use weapons that are heads on sticks? If you tried handing one of those to me, I'd be like 'Nope! You give me a giant metal ball on a stick and cover that with monster scales and spikes.'" Neo said.

"I'd definitely be requesting an alternative version of any head-shaped hammers." Summer agreed.

"Stop putting heads in sticks! You even put the same one on your cat!" The Huntress cried out as she tried to walk away from the situation.

"Just PLEASE tell me that was the last of the decapitated heads we'll see attached the sticks." Glynda all but pleaded in exasperation.

"Okay, then. If you're sure." Razara said, picking the next weapon.

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