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A/N: Thanks as always to my good friend qazse for help with reactions.

Everything was dark so nothing could be seen, before a flash of lightning struck and revealed an epic image of hunters fighting a flying monster. "A flash of lightning! A crash of thunder! Prepare for all you know to be torn asunder!" Rage declared as a hunter was seen climbing up a cliff, before he and the rest of his group faced the beast as it flew towards the cliff to engage them in combat, ending with the hunter swinging his greatsword at the beast as it breathed a stream of lightning at him.

Nora's eyes widened in awe as she gasped at the lightning monster. "I love it already! Please tell me we get them on Remnant! It shall be a part of my monster armada!" Nora said.

"Should we be concerned she's actually referring to it as an armada?" Ironwood whispered to Glynda.

"I'm always worried when she gets an idea in her head." Glynda admitted.

"Whoa. It has some really crazy wings." Coco noted.

"They almost look like... whips." Ilia said, her interests quickly becoming piqued.

Another group of hunters engaged the monster as it landed on the ground before them. "Oh, yes! Today, we will be talking a LEGENDARY Flying Wyvern of both Elder Dragon strength, but more importantly, intelligence. To give you just a little bit of instant excitement, this monster will actually change its fighting style depending on which weapon you're using, because it's intelligent enough to recognize and identify them and respond appropriately." Someone said as something happened. Rage explained as the melee hunters chased after the beast while the bowgunner fired upon it.

Suddenly, a familiar clip of Vegeta was made transparent enough to see through and placed over the video of the hunt. "Oh, that's SO cool!" The Saiyan prince said in awe while his eyes trembled in shock over what he had just been told.

Then some are impressed by it's intelligence and how it has a fighting style to counter each weapon, while some are disturbed by this knowledge. Ruby isn't the latter of course as she geeks out and agrees with Vegeta. Then she smugly bets it doesn't have a counter attack for scythe wielders. But Katana reminds her that some great/long swords are also modeled to be like scythes, so it would treat hers no different. Deflating some of Ruby's previous confidence XD.

Many were shocked when they heard how it changes its fighting style. "Incredible. To be able to adapt and completely change the way it fights based on seeing a hunter's weapon... that must make these creatures incredibly intelligent." Ozpin said, greatly impressed.

"But being that intelligent also makes them dangerous if they become problems and Huntsmen or Huntresses are sent to deal with them." Winter pointed out.

"She has a point. If they can figure out how to get around our weapons, we're gonna have a real hard time fighting them. And having a hard time fighting something like that is definitely not gonna be fun." Velvet said worriedly.

"No way! I'm with Vegeta on this, that just makes them super cool!" Ruby said, before getting a bit smug. "Besides, Hunters don't use scythes, so Uncle Qrow and I shouldn't have a problem!" She said proudly.

"Well... There are quite a few longsword and greatswords that look and function like scythes. I'm sure a Berukyurosu could probably get you guys figured out." Katana said, quickly deflating Ruby's confidence.

"Hey, better you find out now than on a quest." Tekko told her.

Suddenly, the night hunting party was shown again. "But before that, can we talk about the Greatsword user on that night hunt? Like- I get it, you know? The cool idea of charging up an attack, battle's beginning, but... The monster is IN THE AIR above them and this man is like 'Don't worry guys, I'll get him! I'm gonna do a got ya! Don't you worry! I'm gonna get him!' Hits nothing and then gets blasted by lightning from the air! That's what happens there! Why are you making us greatsword users look bad!?" Rage asked in an offended tone as the hunter did indeed completely miss the airborne monster, which proceeded to fire lighting at him.

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