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A/N: Thanks again to qazse for reactions and the sequence below!

Chibi Ruby finished her classes for the day and went into her room to relax and wind down. But as soon as she entered, she was surrounded by eggs. All of which hatched into baby versions of all the monsters she's learned about so far from Katana: from Barioth, to Tigrex, to Deviljho, to even a baby Ceadeus that still took up half the room. The babies then started smothering and licking her. "Aaaaaah! So many baby monsters!" She cried out happily as she laughed from being cuddled and licked.

However, Chibi Ruby's body started shaking violently. "Ruby! Come on, up and at 'em!" Yang declared, as this was all revealed to be a dream the young leader of team RWBY was having.

"Awww Yang, I was having my favorite dream." Ruby complained.

"Which one? The one were you're queen of Remnant and everyone has to pay taxes in cookies? Or the new one were your surrounded and smothered by baby monsters?" Blake asked with a raised brow.

"...Smothered by baby monsters." Ruby admitted.

"I swear, your becoming more obsessed with these monsters then you are with weapons." Weiss criticized her team leader.

"Which is kinda scary, with how much of a gun nut you are." Yang added.

"Don't worry, Ruby! I've totally had the same dream, too! Except in mine, I use the monsters to become queen of Remnant!" Nora declared.

"They just want to play with baby animals. I think that's something we can all agree with." Cinder defended Ruby and Nora's (but mostly Ruby's) dream about the monsters.

"Aww, my hero!" Ruby said.

"Let's not dawdle, students. Katana is likely already waiting for us. We shouldn't keep her waiting." Glynda reminded them, prompting them all to quickly get dressed as well.

It had been another couple of days since their last viewing of monsters, the day before dedicated once again to the MCU, starting at the incredible Guardians of the Galaxy and ending with the epic, but heartbreaking Captain America: Civil War. So, it was lucky then, that Katana had brought in one FINAL group of watchers, two of whom were particularly close to some of the current viewers.

Roman Torchwick, who had quite a blast seeing criminals like himself step up to save the day. Adam Taurus, from before Sienna Khan had taken over the White Fang and before he'd taken a human life, who also had his eyes opened about how obsessions destroyed someone and that different people truly could come together and to let go of grudges from Scarlet Witch in Age of Ultron. Ilia Amitola, actually brought in from the future, after she defected from the White Fang, who found herself fascinated with the insane variety of characters and the struggles of each one. And finally, Summer Rose, the once dearly departed mother and step mother respectively of Ruby and Yang and former leader of her and Qrow's team, who found herself holding her daughters for the entire last act of Civil War.

The group entered the main area, where Katana was ready with another breakfast buffet for the group and the monsters for those that currently had them, that being everyone but the new cast. "Alright, then! Who's ready to learn about more monsters?" Katana asked as everyone settled in.

"You mean the creatures that the others have as pets, right?" Adam asked.

"Yes, Adam. Those are the only monsters here." Katana confirmed.

"This will be exciting! We had a lot of catching up to do with the MCU before we joined you, so Katana didn't show us these monster things." Summer explained.

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