Fatalis (Part 1)

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The ruins of a castle were shown under a dark red sky as Rage began to sing, accompanied by his usual ominous music. "~When the world is full of Wyverns, the legend is revived~ Meat is eaten, bone is crunched and blood is sucked up dry~ He burns the Earth and melts through iron~ He boils the rivers and mows down trees~ He awakens the winds an inferno~ He is called Fatalis, the Wyvern of destiny~ He is called Fatalis, the Wyvern of destruction~ Call for help, run for your lives and don't forget to pray to the skies~ He is called Fatalis, the Wyvern of destiny~ He is called Fatalis, the Wyvern of destruction~ Fatalis, Fatalis, Heaven and Earth are yours~ Fatalis, Fatalis, Heaven and Earth are yours~" Rage sang the folksong as a long-bodied black dragon flew into the courtyard of the castle, landing and letting out a terrifying roar as intense, epic and yet haunting choir music was heard.

Many of them were creeped out by the dark visuals, which wasn't helped by the ominous music and ESPECIALLY the folksong. "Who makes a song like that?!" Jaune said fearfully.

"Yeah. I'm really not liking this." Coco agreed.

Then, they finally saw the beast and it was as if a tidal wave of dread and fear washed over them, like their primitive instincts are alerting them to an impending doom. "Even through the screen, my animal side is telling me to run away." Blake said fearfully.

"It's like staring at an army of Grimm so big, you can't see anything else in the distance." Velvet added in horror.

"That thing's not a monster, it's an abomination. Some kind of evil force of nature. I don't know why I feel like that, but I do. And the music only confirms it." Ilia said.

Even the bravest and most battle-hardened of the group (the Ozluminati, Winter, Hazel, Cinder and Adam) could tell at a glance that this monster was NOT to be taken lightly. "I've faced Salem a number of times, but never once did I feel the same sense of dread from her that I feel from this beast." Ozpin admitted.

"I doubt even she could contain her fear from that beast. And she's immortal." Hazel agreed.

The creature then launched an enormous fireball from its mouth that travelled great distances. "That then, was a folksong known throughout all the land telling, prophesizing the second coming of Fatalis: The Legend of the Black Dragon. And when he rises once more... Well it will be for realsies, because the world will be purged in flames and he will sit atop the ashes. All living things fear him. Unchallenged, unequaled, unstoppable. There is no monster greater than Fatalis." Rage spoke ominously as Aylia was seen sneaking by the dragon. "So, I'd rather not be on his bad side, by not giving him his own lore video. I've touched on him before very briefly, but there is SO much to get into here." He whispered fearfully as the mighty dragon discovered Aylia was bitten in the back as she attempted to run from the beast.

And Rage's telling of the monster's prophecy didn't put anyone's nerves at ease neither. "We may very well have to send Atlas' entire military might against such a beast." Winter said, horrified.

"Uh, yeah... An ancient civilization tried that once. It DID NOT work." Razara said.

"Is there really NO monster that can stand up to a Fatalis? Not even Dalamadur?" Qrow asked.

"Eh, people have their theories that they MAY be able to take on Fatalis and win, but it's like 4 out of 10, Fatalis would still win more times than not." Katana explained.

"Okay, that's just not fair." Roman said, deeply unnerved that a snake that is a few miles long couldn't even beat this beast.

Thankfully, however, the huntress managed to recover and climbed a set of nearby stairs and got on a ballista to fire at the beast. "And I know this has all started fairly... heavy. So first: exclusive footage of Fatalis stepping on a Lego." Rage stated as Aylia managed to fire a giant bolt with rope attached to bind the beast, sending it to the ground. Suddenly, it cut away to an image of Fatalis standing around, before a Lego descended right in front of it. An alarming noise was then heard, before the beast let out a scream of pain from stepping on the infamously painful toy.

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