Extra #1

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Misty x Ash (pokeshipping)

Setting: High School

Each extra is independent of one another.

Ash's Point of View

It was just like any other day.

I roamed down the empty hallways, with my hands in my jeans pockets, not having any plans on where to go. From a distance away, I can hear the cheerful chatter of my classmates as they left the school together in groups.

How I envy them.

Being the only son of the Ketchum Corporation, there was a lot of students who want to get close to me for connections. Everywhere I do, there was a group of students waiting for me. Unlike Gary, Drew, and Paul, I don't like the connection. Gary and Drew were born to be in the spotlight. They are always friendly and surrounded by fans, though most of the time, they were flirting and being arrogant. Paul was more on the quiet side and likes to be with peace. He usually just ignores everyone else, giving him a dark, mysterious, and cool aura around him. Not a lot of people approach him, but they admired him from a distance. And then, there was me. I am the cheerful one of the group. I always greet others when I saw them. However, people labeled me as the cute and innocent type. I don't mind, but sometimes, it is tiring to always smile at others when I am feeling down. It is like being used as a service where people will feel good about themselves because the heir to the Ketchum Corporation greeted them. I am not as innocent or dense as they thought. I am just not good at showing it.

Today, my friends are all left to do something, and I am the only one at school, after being held back by my teacher for sleeping during class. It is rare to be in this peace. I appreciate the silence, but it makes me feel lonely as if the hallway is longer than it actually is.

"Hey, you! What are you doing here?" a loud voice shouted from behind me, breaking the peace.

I turned back and saw a girl standing a few feet away from me with a frown on her face. Because she was standing in front of a window, blocking the light, her face looked extra dark and suspicious. Her orange hair looked flaming red under the sunlight and her blue eyes were filled with anger. That girl is Misty Waterflower, the youngest and the beloved sister of the famous Waterflower sisters. She is famous for her heavenly voice, as it is rumored to be as beautiful as a siren's, that once you heard her voice, you can never forget it. At school, she was the class leader and was almost always serious. I didn't know her though, since the only time I saw her was with her friends, in class, and the hallways. We never have a proper conversation before.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned around, continue walking. It is least likely that she is calling out for me. Also, I was just wandering around the school after getting lectured by my teacher. I didn't do anything that would make the great Misty Waterflower angry. Misty was rumored to have a bad temper. She is especially scary when she was in a bad mood.

"Hey! Stop walking! I am talking to you!" Misty cried. I looked around me, confused. Is there anyone who would actually defy Misty's orders? They must either have no brain cells or they just have guts to go against that girl. But, I didn't see anyone. It was only Misty and I, alone in an empty hallway.

I can hear the pair of blue eyes focused behind my head and the footsteps, sounded like stomps, walking toward me. I was too afraid to look back. Sweat covered my back as I stood frozen. Is she... talking to me? What did I do? I can't just possibly turned around and pretend nothing happened right?

After thinking for a few seconds, I come up with a solution. WIthout worrying about anything else, I began to sprint down the hallway. Misty must be shocked at my sudden decision because I heard her stopped for a second before running after me.

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