Chapter 6

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Brianna paced around at the Night Boys studio in her three-inch heels. Her pace was walking with enough force for her heels to break. While Brianna was pacing, Serena was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed. Her eyes follow Brianna as she walks around the room and constantly looks at her watch.

"What time do you think they will arrive? How long has it been? They are so late!" Brianna exploded she stopped pacing to look at her watch before start pacing again.

"I am sure that they have a good reason to be late. They are public figures after all," Serena said softly.

"Serena, do me a favor, would you? Keep your mouth shut! I do not care if they are popular and I definitely do not care if they are public figures. I do not care! They make the appointment and I follow it. If I am late, I am fired. What about them? Do they get a free pass? No way!" Brianna ranted angrily. "Just because you are a fan does not mean you are going make an excuse for them every single time!"

"I am sorry Brianna but you know how it is," Serena sighed.

"Well, that is none of my business. I have a schedule to follow. If they do not arrive by the next two minutes, I am going," Brianna said.

Serena sighed and rolled her eyes before she pulls out her phone and looks at her Pokegram. Serena was the stylist of the Night Boys. She uses to be one of the top stylists that style for many bands until she signed a contract with the Night Boys. She is quite young, just out of college. She has her golden curls that reach to her waist and a pink top hat. She wears the latest light pink mini dress that reached above her knees with a hot pink slash around her waist that makes it seems smaller and a V neck collar. She also wears a pair of white heels to go along with her outfit. Although she is usually shy and quiet, she is a fan of the Night Boys and is the leader of the fan club and always posting fan pictures of the Night Boys in her another Pokegram account.

Brianna is the manager of the Night Boys group. She is the top manager that everyone wants to have. Before she becomes a manager, she is an assistant to a director. After a short while, she decided to be a manager and signed a contract with the Night Boys. Although she is a fan, she keeps her private life and works life separate. She has short brown hair that reached to her shoulders and she wears a professional light orange blouse with a black skirt that reached to her knees. She has a short temper and like things in order, which makes her the perfect manager.

As Brianna continues to pace around the room and Serena on her phone, the door suddenly opens and the Night Boys filed into the room. Before they would sit down or do anything, Brianna marched up towards them and start scolding them.

"Where in the world are you? You are a half hour late! If you are late for one more minute, I would have just left you guys alone!" Brianna screamed.

"Sorry boss. We went to the mall and get sabotaged by fans. You know how scary they can be sometimes," Ash replied to Brianna.

"Why are you at the mall to begin with? Are you asking for a death wish?" Brianna yelled.

"We need fresh air like normal humans," Gary said as he rolled his eyes.

"I am so done with you guys. After the contract ended this year, I am out of here. I need a good long vacation away from all of you," Brianna sighs as she rubbed her temple. She composed herself and take a few deep breaths before looking at the members. "I have signed all of you into the Top of the World competition. You will have to decide the songs and everything else for the contest. The first stage is for you to choose any song you want and to perform a short clip of that song. It should be at least a minute but no more than a minute and thirty seconds. There are no limits nor any themes, so you can choose whatever you want. My suggestion for you is to sing something that you have not performed in a long time. Please let me and Serena know what you choose before the competition."

"Wow, Brianna. You have given us a job almost as soon as we are out of vacation. That is so very interesting. Do you know any other bands who are entering the competition?" Drew asked.

"That I am not sure. However, I can tell you that there are ten bands in the contest, including you guys. I hope that you try your best. It will be a disappointment if you guys did not pass the primary round. And just to let you guys know, there will be two bands being disqualified in the first round," Brianna replies as she looms at the boys.

"Then what are we waiting for? Come on, guys. We have a trophy to take," Drew said as he flanked his bangs and turns to the boys.

On another side of the city, May and her group is having a video chat with Harley, their energetic manager. The girls listen to Harley as he explains the rules and how the contest is going to play out. The girls took mental notes before Harley wish them luck and logs off. The girl looked at each other and discuss their plans.

"A short performance hm? It is going to be but hard. We need a part that has all of us sing at least a part of it," Dawn pointed out as she put a porky stick in her mouth.

"That is a good point there, Dawn. I think we have to sing one of our own songs. Which song do you think will be best? I am thinking about something that includes everyone in it," May said.

"I think I have one, but we haven't practiced it for so long. It is going to be a bit difficult," Misty said.

"Whatever it is, let's do it. We do not have much time left," Leaf added.


Song: Boyz with Fun
Album: The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt. 1
Artist: BTS

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