Chapter 38

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"They will be alright, right?" Caroline, May's mother, asked Harley after the families left their child's hospital room and met with Harley at the hospital lobby.

It has been a few days after Misty had woke up and the rest of the girls began to wake up too. Like Misty, their first reaction was confusion, not understanding what is happening around them. During these few days, the parents and family members take turns looking after their child, afraid that they would lose consciousness or got kidnapped again.

"Yes, the doctor said that they didn't suffer major injuries and that they are all fine. They need to stay in the hospital for the next few days to check up and then the doctor will decide whether or not they will be released," Harley replied to Caroline.

"Do you know who did this? Why would they do this to our babies? What did they do?" Johanna asked while Kenny's side hugged his mother.

"Yes. What did they want?" Norman added. Everyone looked at Harley, hoping for answers.

Harley looked at everyone before holding his hands and looked down. "At the moment, we are not sure. This seems more complicated than it is. The reason was still unknown," Harley answers.

Lily sighs before she looked up at the ceiling. "Misty is very stubborn but I know that she is not stupid to make enemies. What are the possible reasons they would be attacked? Is it because of us?"

"Not necessarily. They can be attacked because of their popularity. The thing is that we don't know. The police are looking to investigate this. So far, the people that were kidnapped in the building where the girls had been found didn't say anything, or more like they refused to cooperate with the police. On my side, the person that I captured was almost likely a pawn," Harley replied as he looked at everyone.

"Thank you, Harley, for taking care of the girls to this far, we owed you," Norman said.

"It is no problem. I am glad to make business with you. Also, I would advise if the girls were able to leave this hospital as soon as possible so that they can receive care from their families. I am worried about their health and safety. Since we don't know who the people were, we are not sure what they are planning. Right now, we are playing their game. They are deciding what the next move will be. We need to think one step ahead of them," Harley advised the worried families.

The families agreed before they decided to go to their hotels for a while and plan what they should do next. When the family left, Harley went on his phone and called someone before leaving the hospital.

Harley arrived at a cafe that is near the hospital a few moments later. After he got his drink, he walked in one direction. "Hello, my darlings! How are you? Found anything?" he asked before he sat down beside Solidad.

"Hello Harley, I had been well. Just a little busy. You know how it feels like when you have to manage a group and also help you." Brianna said as she rolled her eyes.

Brianna was sitting across from Harley with a hat on and a high collar jacket that covered half of her face. Being the agent for the Knight Boys made her noticeable anywhere to anyone who knows the Knight Boys. Harley, however, didn't cover his face as he is with Solidad and people will see them as a normal couple. On the table, there were three cups of coffee, along with a laptop opened in front of Solidad and a notebook next to her while Brianna was typing on her phone. There was a camera at their corner but Solidad's computer was facing away from the camera while Brianna had her back over her phone. From afar and from the cameras, it seemed as if they were just hanging out and working.

"So, any news?" Harley asked after he takes a sip of his coffee with lots of sugar.

Brianna closed her phone and looked at Harley. "So far, no. I am now trying to found out who had the girls been contacting within these couple of days and what your company had been doing, along with their artists. So far, all seems to be normal but I will see more on it and dig deeper."

"I had check who you want to my search for, Harley, but I didn't found any movements from them," Solidad said as she logged out her computer.

Harley sighed before he took another sip of his coffee. This is not what he had hoped for. As the three of them had been in the industry for a long time, they know what is happening behind the scene. They also have connections that may help them. Solidad was great at hacking into systems, including things that were hidden. Brianna on the other hand can collect information. Harley himself has a source behind him. The three of them can be said to be extremely dangerous when they work together but no one knows as they had left that life behind a long time ago. That doesn't mean, however, that they don't use their skills sometimes.

"Don't worry, Harley. We will found something," Solidad said softly before drinking her iced coffee.

"Hmmm," Harley said. As he looked into the cafe and scanned around. "Check everything. I want to see if there are any connections. Anything."


Song: Call Me Baby
Album: Exodus
Artist: EXO

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