Chapter 5

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"A beautiful Sunday. No stress. No practice. No nothing. This is a blessing. Being surrounded by people again that treat you like an everyday person. You don't have to worry about being discovered. And a day in the mall, being around delicious good and dresses. What can be any better than this?" Dawn sighed as she walks down each aisle of dress and examines them. She was wearing a purple wig that reached to her shoulders with a purple shirt, pink jacket, and her white jeans. Her face was applied with a thin layer of makeup that changed her appearance. Her excitement cannot be hidden from her face.

"It would be better if you let us sleep in, Dawn. You know, in our pajamas, eating cake," Misty, who walks behind Dawn with Leaf and May, replies. She has her hair down, which makes her look like a completely different person with a white blouse and dark blue jeans. May was wearing her hair down too but let some of her hair cover her face to make her look mysterious. She has on a dark red button up shirt with black jeans. Leaf was wearing a white wig that reached her waist with a green top and a white skirt.

It was Sunday. Not a typical Sunday that the girls have. Ever since they entered the entertainment industry, their lives have been filled with schedules, practices, and rules. They did not have time for themselves anymore and they have to worry about being discovered by the people. This was a special Sunday because it is one of the very few days when they have nothing to do but to relax. That morning, Dawn excitedly wake the girls up and put them into disguises before they leave for the mall.

The mall was packed with people on Sunday. Girls with their friends were walking around and talking while trying on clothes or food. Guys were hanging out at male shops, mostly at the shoe stores or the gaming stores, and look at the new shoes or the new games being released. Parents and couples are also around, buying gifts, and doing their things. It was a busy day. The girls managed to not being noticed by the public and are determined to make the day one of their best days ever.

Dawn was looking at clothes that she thinks looks cute and pretty while Misty was looking at the new sportswear outfits. May was looking at her phone, texting to her family about her journey so far and Leaf was just looking around the store. This was in fact the fifth store they visited that morning and everyone, except for Dawn, was tired and hungry.

"Dawn, can we get something to eat now? We have not eaten breakfast yet and it is now nearing eleven o'clock," May whined as she looks at Dawn.

"What?! You are hungry! Already? We have not finished yet!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Woman, you are crazy. This is the fifth store and you dare to say that it is early? If you are thinking about visiting every store in the mall, with your speed, we will most likely be stuck here for tonight. You can visit some other stores later. After we finish getting food," Misty replies with her arms crossed.

"But... there is still so much to do! So much to explore! We cannot waste every second of it!" Dawn replies.

"Either you walk or I will drag you," Misty retorted back.

"Dawn, how about we get food and eat fast so you can go back to shopping?" Leaf said softly.

Dawn thought for a while before she nodded her head. "Sounds reasonable. Okay. Let's do that."

The girls walked out of the store and toward the food court, where many food stands were open and the eating area was mostly full. Dawn and May lined up in front of a bakery stand while Misty gets the good and Leaf to find a place for them to sit. They quickly met up on a table that was in the middle of the food court, where they can see almost everything that happens around them clearly.

The girls were chatting happily and excitedly before they hear a commotion near them. They looked at each other before they look at the direction where the noise came from.

"Drew is even more handsome in real life!" one girl exclaimed.

"Ash is so cute! I want to hold him!" another cried.

"Paul is so hot!" one squealed.

"Marry me, Gary!" another screamed.

The girls looked at each other and they know who it is, their rival, the Night Boys.

"This is such a coincidence. Did they follow us or something?" May groaned.

"No idea to be in fact," Leaf said.

"Shall we help them is the real question" Misty said.

"Dawn, you are a great actor. Please save them," May said as she rubbed her temple.

Dawn stand up before getting into the crowd where she jumped over the girls to see the people in the middle. She pouted in frustration when she cannot see a thing. She takes a deep breath before pushing her way to ten centers. She looked at the boys for a second before she begins to cry.

"Big brother! Why did you leave me! I can't find you anywhere!" Dawn cried as she holds onto Paul.

The noise slowly quiets down and Dawn's crying sound can only be heard. Paul looked at the crying Dawn and frowns.

'Where did this girl come from?' Paul thought.

Dawn noticed that Paul was not replying so she cries even harder. "Big brother doesn't want me anymore!" Dawn cried.

"Woah! Don't cry. Big brother never doesn't want you," Gary said softly.

Dawn looked at Gary before he smiled. "Then can Big Brother's friend take me to have food and buy me things?" Dawn said.

"Of course," Drew replied with a smile.

Dawn successfully led the boys out of the crowd before kicking them away.  She looks at them and gives them a cute pose before skipping to be with the other girls again.

"How do I do? Do I get a bonus?" Dawn exclaimed cutely, like a child looking for a compliment.

"You did very well," Misty said with a smile.

"Yes, you did. I also have news for everyone. We are entering the Top of the World competition. The Night Boys will be there. It will happen around next week. Our manager wants us to start practicing starting tomorrow," May said when she looked up from the email on her phone.

"Then what are we waiting for? We have no time to waste! Let's spend our last day happily," Misty said.

The girls looked at each other and agreed before they quickly finish their food.


Song: No More Dream
Album: 2 Cool 4 Skool
Artist: BTS

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