Extra #2

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Dawn x Paul (ikarishipping)

Setting: High School

Each extra is independent of one another.

Paul's Point of View

"Paul! You did it again! How amazing!"

"That is Paul for you! An innate genius, I say."

"He is so cool!"

I ignored all of my classmates' comments as I walked out of class. with my backpack on one shoulder and headphones on, playing music.

Last month's score was up, and as always, I am still in first place. Everyone all said that I was a genius, but what they don't know is that I studied every night for at least an hour, something most students didn't bother to do. I just have too much time on my hands, and studying is one way for me to waste some time.

As Paul Shinji, the younger brother of Reggie Shinji, there was a lot of pressure and expectations of me. Of course, I didn't let them down. In fact, I like the challenge. When people looked at me, all they saw was a boy who is smart and athletic, perfect in a way. However, what they didn't know is that I am a challenger. I like to face challenges. Challenges are interesting and kept me entertained. Everyone who knows that side of me called me a psycho or a devil, besides my close friends, that is.

"Paul, can you help me with the exam correction, please? I didn't know what I did wrong," a girl said in front of me suddenly, getting in my way. She was looking shy and was holding a piece of paper in front of her.

I stopped, took off my headphones, and observed the girl in front of me for a few seconds. "No," I simply said, putting my headphones back on and walked around her.

"Why!" the girl exclaimed before I even took a step when she figured out that I am going to leave.

"Why should I say yes?" I replied. When the girl didn't respond, I shrugged my shoulders. "You cannot even answer that question."

I continued to walk out of the school, not bothering to turn back. I have a lot of people asking me for help since I can remember. They are the type of people who will take advantage of you when they see you as useful, and then throw you away once they used up all of your usefulness.

I walked on the sidewalk outside of the school in peace with soft music playing into my ears. Every day should be like this, peaceful and quiet.

"Look out! Look out! Look out! Look out! Look out! Incoming!" a girly voice exclaimed, and her screams became louder as she got nearer. I can hear the impact of her shoes on the sidewalk as she stormed down the sidewalk.

I must not have been paying attention because the next thing I know, I collide with the girl with her on top of me and something cold splashed all over my jacket.

The girl immediately stood up and gathered all the things that fell during the collision from the floor before I can do anything and jumped away from me. "I am so sorry!" the girl exclaimed in fright as she bowed.

I frowned and paused the music before I looked up at the person who collides with me. The second I looked up, I was met with a pair of blue eyes and long blue hair. It was Dawn, Dawn Beritz, the fashion queen and the beloved daughter of Johanna Beritz. The Beritz was well known for their fantastic fashion sense and their blue hair. This is the first time I have ever been close to the said girl. I had heard students talk about her, but I usually catch a glimpse of her in the hallways sometimes before she disappeared into the crowd.

"Ugh. It is okay. I am not hurt or anything. Besides, this is part of my problem too. I didn't move even I heard your voice," I sighed and get up from the floor. I can't scold her when it is partially my fault. I am evil, but I am not unreasonable to that extent. I dust myself and shook my hands to make sure that I didn't get hurt.

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