Chapter 56

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"Girls, you can do this. Think of it as your re-debut," Iris said calmly as she flipped through her notebook and then looked at the girls who were preparing in front of her.

May turned around and looked at Iris, and her lips slowly curled up. "Thank you, Iris, for your support. And Harley, too," May said.

"This is a big day for you. Remember to smile and have fun. With your popularity, you can live happily for the next few lifetimes. The fans are out there cheering for you," Harley said as he leaned on against the wall with his arms folded. "Think about all the things that had happened."

"We know, but it is a big day for us. Who is doing the speech?" Misty asked as she tied up her hair and looking at the girls.

Dawn, who was checking her makeup, looked at Misty suddenly. "Do we even have a speech?" she asked.

"We do, but we don't have it prepared. We just have to talk about our true feelings and come up with one on the spot," Leaf sighed as she jumped around, getting her body warmed up for their performance.

"Don't worry about it, we will get this done," May smiled and looked at her friends and family. They returned her smile. They are ready.

On the stage, the boys finished the last song of their concert. Gary and Ash leaned on each other as they catch their breaths and waving at the crowd at one side of the stage as Drew and Paul were at the other side, waving. Despite being tired, the cheers of the audience made them smile, and made them felt that everything is worth it. They walked toward the center of the stage to meet up as the fans cheered loudly.

"I hope you guys are having a good time! Do you guys have fun!" Gary exclaimed in the microphone with a smile on his face as the fans all exclaimed yes.

"I am glad that you all have fun. We have fun, too, being with you and giving you joy and happiness," Ash said as he looked at everyone in the audience. "I wish time can go back to the beginning of the concert so that we can do it all over again."

"Unfortunately, we can't go back in time. We will always have today in our memories," Drew said.

Paul picked up his microphone and looked into the audience. "Time flies so fast when we are having fun. But that doesn't mean that the night is over. The night has not started yet. It just begins."

"What Paul said is correct. The night just begins. Let's enjoy the rest of the night," Drew said as the music began to play in the background.

[RAN: The next part of the story has the lyrics from the song. I have who is singing which part of the song. For clarification, the lyrics are the English translation and is the version of the music video above. The music is so good but I want to use the remix for the chapter. :) Feel free to skip this section if you would like but also feel free to play the song above while following along! I do recommend listening to the song though]

I was lost, I was trying to find the answer
In the world around me
Yeah, I was going crazy
All day, all night

You're the only one who understood me
And all that I was going through
Yeah, I just gotta tell you
Oh, baby I

I could make it better
I could hold you tighter
'Cause through the morning
Oh you're the light (Oh)

And I almost lost ya
But I can't forget ya
'Cause you were the reason that I survived

Gary and Paul:
You were there for me through all the times I cried
I was there for you and then I lost my mind

Ash and Drew:
I know that I messed up but I promise I
Oh-oh, I can make it right

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