Chapter 55

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"You cannot go in right now!" the secretary exclaimed as Harley pushes the office door open.

Harley looked at the secretary standing behind him, who now have a horrific look on her face and was trembling a bit. His lips curved up a little with his mischievous eyes. "Oh? The president is not here, I see. He seems to be a bit... occupied with work," Harley said slowly with sarcasm as he looked away from the secretary and turned toward the president sitting in the room with a female worker. "Mr. President, you have a good eye when hiring people. Not not only are they all beautiful, but they are all so loyal to the president. As your employee, I felt glad for you. However, it makes me worry a bit about the future of this company. As history said, beauty can destroy a nation, and our company has too many beauties," Harley said as he walked into the office and make himself feel at home. He gave the president and the employee his closed-eyed smile as he crossed his legs. Iris took a seat next to him, holding her file.

"Harley, just because you are the top agent in the company didn't give you the right to burst into my office without my permission or an appointment. Did I give you too much freedom that you think you can do anything in my company now? And Iris, aren't you going to ask for a leave? Why are you still here? Having too much time in your hands?" the president glared at Harley while waving the female employee away. The employee looked at the president before leaving the office, closing the door behind her.

"So you do know that I am the top agent in the company and that I have some power. I thought that you completely forgot and would like a reminder. It seems that I don't need to waste any more time on this," Harley smiled, leaning to the back of the chair.

"And, President, nowadays, we don't have much work to do because our only artists under us are taking a break. With events being frozen, there is little we have to do now but to look for you. Treat it as if we are visiting you today," Iris retorted, crossing her legs and arms in front of her.

The president sighed and looked at the top manager and assistant in front of him. "What do you two want?"

Harley opened his eyes and look at the person sitting behind the desk. "Ah, that is the million-dollar question that everyone wants to know. I am wondering what the president is thinking when he decided to stop my artists? Not nothing that but fight against them for resources?" Harley said.

"Harley, you know this already. The Wallflower Girls are getting popular now. They should share their popularity with the rest of the artists in the company, rather than holding it all to themselves. Groups, such as the Princesses, have such a high potential that they should be given a chance to shine. And I told you already. You should manage more than one group. We need abilities, like yours, to make our company great," the President said.

"Does that means you have the ability to take away what is theirs without a warning first? And I never know that plagiarizing is legal in this company. Sharing popularity, ha! Don't make me laugh. If the groups that you mentioned that as much potential and skill as my girls, then they should have no trouble climbing to the top. Do remember that these girls have power behind their back," Harley said calmly.

"What is theirs is also ours. We give them all the resources they need that lead them to be who they are today. Once they entered and signed the contract, they don't have power anymore. Not in this place. What we did is trying to keep their legacy. Because of everything that had happened to them, scandals began to appear and our markets had begun to decrease. We need to do something now to stop the decrease from continuing," the president justified.

Harley laughed and then look at the president. His eyes were not calm and mischievous anymore and his tone is more serious and threatening. It was as if a dark shadow had covered his face. "It seems like you still don't understand. The reason markets slowed and decreased is because the girls were unable to perform or produce new music. Even if the girls don't have any powers here, it seems like my warning for you last time is not enough. Do you really think that you have that much power? Compare to you, I have enough connection to get you to leave the comfortable seat you are sitting in right now. Do you understand me?"

The eyes of the president's narrowed. "Are you threatening me, Harley? Don't think that just because you have power and connection that you have the right to do whatever you want to do. This is not your home," the president said.

"Then we have nothing to talk about, Mr. President. Don't mind us if things didn't go as you believe it will happen. Not everything is as idiotic as you. I hope that you will achieve your dreams. We will terminate the contracts today. In fact, not only that, but we are also going to leave," Harley smiled as he stood up from his seat.

"You cannot do this! You have been in this company since forever! You can't just leave whenever you want!" the President said.

"It is just because  I had been staying here for a long time that we are leaving. You cannot afford us anymore. You better signed the paper or else your company will be in the line. This time I am threatening you," Harley smiled as he walked toward the door with Iris behind him.

"We would see you at court, Mr. President. And I would advise you to think before you speak. Who knows if what you are saying now may have an impact in the future," Iris added while Harley opened the door.

"Leave! And don't come back crying when you realize the mistake you just make," the president screamed.

Harley turned his head back and smiled. "Same words to you too, President. It has been many great years.  I hope that your ending will not be like what happened to your men." Then, they walked out, closing the door behind them.


Song: Angel or Devil
Album: The Dream Chapter: MAGIC
Artist: TXT

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