Chapter 35

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Harley looked at the man sitting in front of him, with his arms folded in front of him, leaned back on the chair, and legs crossed like he is the boss. His green eyes stared at the man in front of him. "So, are you going to tell me or not?" he asked.

"Harley! Don't forget! You worked for me. I am your boss!" the man screamed.

The two men were in a black room somewhere in a building in the city. Harley was sitting at one side of the room, close to the door, sitting like he is the boss while the proclaimed boss was kneeling on both knees on the floor, tied to a chair with rope and bruises on his face. The man was wearing a dark red shirt and dark blue jeans. His brown hair was messy and his red eyes were glaring at Harley in front of him with hatred. On his left arm was a limited edition Rolex watch, designed with diamonds and silver bands. Harley was wearing differently from his usual distinguishably green outfit. Instead, he wears a green shirt with a dark green jacket and a pair of black pants along with a pair of black sneakers. His head and half of his body were covered with a big black cape, only his face shows. Behind Harley and the man were four bodyguards, in all black with sunglasses and a gun on their belt. Two were behind Harley and two were behind the man. Anyone seeing this scene would know without thinking that it is not for a reunion or business.

"We are not related to each other in any sort of way," Harley replied.

"When they see the evidence, even if they didn't capture you, they will doubt you," the man said.

"Don't worry about me. I know what my ending will be. I am not as dumb as you, unlike you who will have all the evidence pointed against and will not escape. How disappointing," Harley said.

"We agreed on this together! We agreed on this from the beginning! I agreed to give you twenty percent of the profit!" the man argued.

"That is true. I did agree and I believed I am the only one that followed along with the deal, am I not right?" Harley raised his left brow.

"I don't understand," the man replied.

"Oh. I think you understand exactly what I am talking about. How do you like your comfortable life? Don't think I don't know that you took ten percent of the initial amount secretly before you distribute the money. Where else did you get your money from?" Harley asked.

"Just because of that little money!" the man exclaimed.

"Just because of the money? No. It means almost nothing to me. I am just annoyed that you went back on the deal. Didn't you have your other money-making machines?" Harley asked.

The man begins to sweat as he looked at Harley. How did he drop so low? How did Harley found him? And most importantly, how did Harley know? His mind behind running and working as he looked at Harley before quickly staring at the floor. 'Just who is this man?' he thought. 'What did he want?'

"Think about what I just said. I would like a good answer when I come back," Harley said as he stood up and began walking toward the door. His hands were reaching toward the knob and were about to turn it before the man screamed, stopped him

"Harley! Don't think you can continue to survive after this!"

"This world is for the smart and the strong. Unfortunately, you are either one of them," Harley said as he waves his right hand and opened the door. "Guards, look after him. I want to see him alive and well behaved."

Harley closed the door behind him as the other two of his guards guard the door. As he walked out of the building, a white car came and stopped in front of him. A man in black get out of the car and opened the door for him. Harley gets in and the door closed behind him before the man also gets into the car and they drive off. As the car went into the streets and the main road, Harley took out his personal phone. "Hey, I want their location in an hour and secretly hint it to the police. No one second more."

In the police station, everyone was working hard and looking for clues. Two of the police officers were looking at the surveillance camera of the backstage, only to see the backstage and the entrance to the stage, not the hallway in between them. But it can be seen that the girls never even went close to the stage as they never showed up on the stage camera. Also, their kidnapper must have done something very quick because the girls were taken without disturbance and without anyone thinking that such a thing would happen. A team of officers was working on this case but so far, they didn't receive any note from the kidnapper so there are no leads to where the girls may be and what the kidnapper wants.

Iris stayed in the police station as she monitors the online activity and tries to assist the police. She had been sitting in the waiting room with a cup of coffee in her left hand and her bag on her lap while she was scrolling the internet with her right hand. Her brown eyes were focused on the screen as she tried to look for any news about the girls and tried to control the situation. Harley had left the police station two hours ago, telling her that he has something important to do and tell Iris to stay in the police station and let him know if there were any news. Iris did was Harley asked while waiting. Suddenly, a thought came across her mind. If May can send something through her phone, that must mean that the phone was with her right? It won't hurt if the police try to track down May's phone. Excited, Iris quickly typed a message to Harley and tell the police her discovery.


Album: It'z Me
Artist: ITZY

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