Chapter 51

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Dawn quickly stood up from her seat as soon as she read the urgent message. "I have to go. May is looking for me right now. Something happened," Dawn said as she started to pick up her shopping bags from the floor around her.

"We will go with you. We didn't have anything else to do for the rest of the day," Gary said with a smile as he looked at the rest of his group.

Drew shrugged his shoulders and stood up, preparing to leave. Dawn looked at them as she picked up her smoothie from the table. "You don't have to if you don't want to," Dawn said.

"It is okay. We at least have something to do for the rest of the day," Drew said.

Dawn nodded her head and way for the boys to pack up all the food on the table before making their way through the crowds and out of the mall. Dawn led the group by furiously typing on her phone and looked up occasionally to see where she was before looking back at her phone again. The boys also walked quickly behind her to keep close and make sure that they didn't lose her on gen crowds.

"How can she walk that fast with her high heels?" Ash gasped when Dawn was zapping through the mall without looking up from her phone for a while. "Did she have a map in her head or something?"

"That is the power of girls, I told you, they are incredible," Gary replied as he took a sip of his drink.

"I have to agree on Ash on this one. She is walking too quickly to me normal without falling," Drew said before they made a sharp turn at a corner into one of the shops at the ground level.

The group wounded through the crowds and the racks before they reached an exit where care was waiting for them. Dawn gets in with the boys followed along and told the driver their destination. The car starts moving as soon as the doors are closed.

"How in the world is a car already waiting for us outside?" Ash said as he gasped for air.

Dawn, who was sitting on the passenger seat, looked up at Ash from the rear mirror before looking back at her phone. "I texted to my driver to wait for us here," Dawn said. "This is a bit of an emergency and we cannot waste any more time."

"What happened?" Drew asked, curious by the urgency in Dawn's voice.

"I am not sure. May didn't add any details in her message. She just said that it is urgent and that we need to meet her at her house," Dawn replied.

"Aren't you guys always busy?" Paul muttered under his breath.

Dawn heard Paul's comment but decided to ignore it since her mind was preoccupied with other things. "This is our first break so I was a bit surprised. Usually, May would just tell us what is happening in the group chat. I wondered what happened," Dawn said as she closed her phone and put it in her bags.

The group was silent the rest of the way until they stopped in front of May's mansion. They stepped out from the car and Dawn gave some instructions to the driver before getting out and the car drove away. Dawn ring the doorbell and the gates opened soon after. She quickly rushed into the house after the butler opened the door for them and rushed to the sunroom, where May, Misty, and Leaf were waiting for her.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Dawn asked as soon as she opened the door and walked toward an opened seat next to Leaf.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy as the girls were in deep thoughts. No one dared to say anything under the atmosphere. The boys found themselves a seat as the butler closed the door behind them. May was sitting on a sofa alone with her face buried in her hands.

After a few moments, May looked up and looked at everyone in the room. She was surprised that the boys were there but didn't care much. "We have a serious problem," May said.

"We know. You told us in the chat. What happened? What is this serious problem?" Leaf asked, impatiently.

"I contacted Harley today and someone had robbed our studio. I personally would not said rob since nothing valuable was stolen. However, upon closer examination, Harley and Iris noticed that our drafts were gone. It was highly suspected that someone had stolen our drafts," May sighed as she narrated what happened. "Since there is no footage about someone entering the building and we don't have proofs that the lyrics are ours if whoever took it alters the lyrics a little, there is nothing much we can do."

"I am sure that we can think of new songs, May. I do understand the urgency of the stolen lyrics but they are not even completed," Misty pointed out. "Is there more to the story?"

"Yes, for now, our next concert was still not decided and Harley said that the chairman still hasn't approved of the date he has given since our contracts were going to be ending soon. Harley is trying to solve our contract problem and fix a date for us. As of now, we have nothing to do or planned," May said.

"Now that is an emergency. Who do you think it maybe? I mean, I do get the stolen songs but I don't get the contract and the problem of the dates. From what I can remember, wasn't our contract ended in a year or two the last time we checked? Why is it ending so early?" Dawn asked, remembering the contract she signed and the photo she had taken after it was signed in her gallery.

"I was wondering about that too but there is nothing we can do at the moment, I had already told Harley about it and he said that he will try to solve the problem soon," May said as she gives another sigh.

The boys who heard the whole conversation looked at each other. "If they want to terminate the contract, they can't you use that to find out what happened? I mean, soon, you will know who stolen your songs, right?" Drew cannot be helped but pointing that out.


Song: Love Me Right
Album: EXO The 2nd REPACKAGE Album [Love Me Right]
Artist: EXO

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