Chapter 27

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A month has passed as the girls were busy making new songs and preparing for the contest they were entering. According to Harley, the contest is not very popular but has a lot of views. There may be some shady things going on in the contest so Harley has warned that if anything were to happen, the girls have to have backups. No matter what, the girls were ready for their contest as was on their way to their hotel where Iris and Harley were waiting for them.

May was driving the car with a pair of sunglasses on while Misty was sitting beside her in the passenger seat. Dawn and Leaf were in the back seat. Music can be heard from the speakers as the girls, except for May, were singing along. It was one of the newest songs they have made. The girls were worried about the contest but since they weren't in the contest yet, they just have fun and do what normal girls do.

"Put your phone away and display that charm
Throw away things that give you a headache
Take this drink and wash away your scars
Stop playing nice" Dawn sang along as she used her phone as a microphone and nodding her head.

"Trust your body to the rhythm
Be thick-skinned and party
I didn't change overnight
Don't place meaning over nothing dude
Useless antipathy
I've never been pushed to be this way
I go, I go
Let's just cheers, zzann" Misty continues, also singing May's part.

"It's ok to not be fine
It's ok not to be ok
Be thick-skinned and have fun
Drop drop drop" Leaf singed after Misty.

The while the other girls were singing in the car, May was constantly looking at the side mirror and the mirror that looked at the back seats. She turns to music down a little before she looks back at the mirrors. She frowns before she speeds her car a little. "Girls, we might have been followed, I will drive the car a little faster now. Misty, contact Harley and Iris about the situation," May commanded.

"Yes ma'am!" Misty said as she fishes out her phone and called Harley. Leaf and Dawn looked at each other before they put on their seatbelts.

Misty's phone call went through and Misty told Harley the situation they are in. "How long have you guys been followed?" Harley asked as Misty put the phone on speaker.

"About ten minutes. Since the time we reached the highway," May said.

"Where are you? How far away?" Harley asked.

"I am close to the exit. Shall I go around the neighborhood and lost them first?" May asked.

"That would help but if they are what I am thinking, your car might be in trouble. Do that and then when you get here, I will think of something to bring your car back," Harley said.

"Yes, sir. Will do," May said. Misty ended the call before leaning back to her seat. "Girls sit tight!"

Nine / Six six nineteen
Nine / Six gogobebe
I'm all warmed up
I'm ready to go crazy
Now let's go
Go crazy, go crazy

May takes the exit and enters the neighborhood where she looks back at the rear mirror. "Okay girls, prepare for turns," May said. All the other girls lean back to their seats as May start making turns around corners in the street before she stopped at a traffic light. "Is there a red car behind us?" May asked as she looked at the back.

Dawn and Leaf turned to look before sitting back down. "It didn't seem like it," Dawn replies.

"That is good. We are going to go through this neighborhood before going to the contest area. I fear that they might still try to follow us," May said and when the lights turn green, she makes another turn at the corner

As May was driving, the rest of the girls were looking at their phones. Dawn was looking through her social media, looking at the latest news before she frowns. "It seems like people know we are going to be in the contest, May. There is a lot of comments about it," Dawn said as she clicks on the hashtag.

"What are they talking about?" Leaf asked she look up from the book she has on her phone.

"Bad things. Weird things. This contest is small yet has a favorable reputation. The thing is that in the contest, the winner is always well known. The netizens were speculating that we are entering this contest to gain an easy win to hide the fact that we lost our first contest. Also, people are wondering if we are using money or back door means to reach the top. As I said earlier, they are ugly," Dawn said as she looks up from her phone.

"We are both rich and beautiful. What can they do about it? Let them talk. Also, Harley did tell us that there seems to be something shady going on in the contest, even though it has a good reputation. So, therefore, we need to be extra careful. Girls, we at now on our way to the hotel," May said as she looks at the road. The girls nodded their heads and Misty turn the radio back up.

Throw out the suit and tie
Dress code: bling bling bling
You and I, we mix and match
Don't avoid it, drunken drunken

Be thick-skinned and party
Go crazy, have fun
Don't need no wrong & right
On & on on & on

Come here, come here, come here, come here
Come here, come here
Come here, come here, come here, come here
Come here, come here


Song: Gogobebe
Album: White Wind
Artist: Mamamoo

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