Chapter 31

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The girls walked back into the backstage, where the rest of the groups were, and went to their corner where they had left their bag and May's phone. May took out her phone and saw that there were a lot of missing calls from Harley. Harley doesn't like texting people, besides Solidad, because he feels like it would be special. Instead, he likes to call and leave voice messages. May tried to open her but noticed that it was locked and cannot log in for five minutes. She looked at and frowned. She hasn't used her phone at all except to contact Harley before their turn and just get the phone now. It didn't take a genius to know that someone tried to get into her phone but was unsuccessful. She just hopes that nothing had gone wrong. The girls sit on the sofa, except for May, as Dawn looked through her bag to make sure that everything is in it. The rest of the girls locked their phones in their lockers because they don't want to lose it.

After five minutes of a long wait, May opened up her phone and called Harley. The phone called went through and before May would even say anything, Harley's voice screamed through the phone. "May! Where in the world had you been? I tried to contact you but nope, you never answer! Is everything fine? I am outside right now. Do you still need new outfits? What happened?" Harley screamed everything that was in his mind.

May waited for a while before slowing the answer to Harley's questions. "Harley, we are fine. Thank you for worrying about us. We just went and perform like 7 minutes ago. Instead of the ninth spot, they changed it to the sixth spot. They didn't notify us about it or anything and we just figure it out then. We were pretty sure that we were the ninth place. It was okay. We managed to fix somethings and looked presentable in front of the audience. We don't need the outfit now as to the fact that we just went."

"Do you know who it might be? It didn't sound so simple," Harley stated.

"We are not sure too. To be honest, I am not sure what actually happened. Anyways, do you think that you would able to find out what happened?" May asked.

"I can try, honey, but I cannot make any promises. Let me know if anything happens. I will try to contact you soon," Harley said before he hung off the phone.

May looked at her phone before sitting down. She sighed and lean her back on the sofa and closed her eyes. She takes a deep breath through her mouth before letting it out of her nose. Dawn, who was sitting right next to her managed to finish cleaning up her bag before closing it and leave it on the table.

"Finally. Everything is ordered. To be honest, I really don't think that it would be messy. How are you, May? You keep sighing like an old woman now. It would make you old, you know," Dawn said to May.

"I know. I am just thinking about the accident that happened before. I am not sure what to think. I don't think it would happen to us. I think our luck has run out," May said as she drinks her water.

"Don't think too much of it. I am sure that it is nothing and won't happen again. Now, let's just wait and hope for the best," Dawn assured.

The whole group was silent as they wait for all the rest of the participants went and the judges decided who is going to stay to the next round. The host entertained the audience and the judges made their final answers before the groups that were entering the next part of the contest were shown up on the screen of the board. All the participants were watching it live on the television backstage. The ones who were entering the next part of the contest were cheering and congratulating each other for entering the contest. Out of the thirty-three groups who entered the contest, only twenty-five were left to enter the next round. Those who didn't pass were being encouraged by other groups and comfort each other, saying that they will win the next time. While this is all happening, the girls were just sitting there while they calm down.

"Congratulations to get to the next level! Of course, it is expected of you. How do you feel about the contest?" A asked when she reached the girls with a big smile on the face.

"We were actually shocked. We didn't really have much hope that we would win as to what happened. Congratulations on advancing. You guys have a very good performance," May replied to A.

"Yea. We worked really hard on that performance! It is all worth it now. Are you excited for the next part of the contest?" A asked.

"We are very excited," May said.

"I guess we are rivals now. Let's work hard to enter the finals together!" A smiled.

"Of course," May said.

As the first day of the contest ends, every group started to pack up their things and ready to leave and get to their hotels. The girls went to their changing rooms to change after grabbing their bags from the locker room. They changed their performance clothes to their more casual clothes and wipe off the makeup on their face. They quickly get everything packed up before leaving the contest area and entered their hotel to rest and get ready for the next day.

The next day came and the girls were ready for their second part of the contest. After a night of rest, they felt more energetic and ready for the contest. Harley dropped the off with Iris, who will be looking after them. In the contest area, they went to their changing rooms to change and prepare for the second part of the contest. When the girls finished changing, they walked out of their changing rooms, locked up their things with anything valuable left with Iris, and wait for their turn.

When the girls were called up to the stage, May, Leaf, Misty, and Dawn all left to go to the hallway, which will lead them to the stage. However, they were never to be able to perform because they forfeited the contest.


Song: ON
Album: Map of the Soul: 7
Artist: BTS

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