Chapter 26

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The interview was an interesting experience for the girls as they talk about their passion and their works. They talked about their experiences and sometimes occasionally get off tracked. They joked sometimes and just having fun and be themselves. The boys, on the other hand, is mostly talking about their vacation, and other stuff regarding before the competition, as that is what the readers wanted to know and also, their new songs and their win in the competition. All are doing well and the two groups learned a little more about each other during the interview.

"So last question for both of you. We are talking to the top girl and boy group right now and there has to be some rivalry going on. What is your first impression of each other? Like the first impression?" the interviewer asked with curiosity.

The girls looked at each other as they think. Dawn was the first one to say something. "I am not sure if this is how I first felt but our first meeting is interesting, I dare to say. I think that time I don't know them as I was shopping with the others and they are being attacked by people or chased by fans, or whatever it is and I helped them. At that time my brain was thinking 'These poor things, being attacked by people even in the mall, shouldn't there be a security system dealing with these things?' I wasn't really paying attention much," Dawn respond in full honesty.

"To be perfectly honest, the first time we met know of the Knight Boys is on television around the time of our debut. We really didn't think much or have much of an impression. We were mostly focused on their songs, their lyrics, and their dance. I guess our first impression not music related or dance is related must be their hair," Leaf said.

"Hey! No offense but they have the most interesting hair. I don't know about what you girls think but to me, hair is one of the things people look at when they first see you. So it is justified for me to think that there is someone with purple hair and with green hair. I at first thought they dyed it," May said as she defends herself.

"May, if you have eyes, you will see that they were natural hair. Natural hair. Also, one of them has hair that declines all logic and physics," Misty responded to May as she rolled her eyes.

The boys and the reporter looked at the girls weirdly as they talked to each other, going very off-topic. The reporter looks at the boys and smiles. "How about you guys? What is your first impression of the girls?"

"Very interesting, I dare to say. At first, we didn't know that they were even singers. They were more like the FBI, going undercover in the crowd to get information and getting their mission done. It is very interesting," Drew said as he remembers the time when May was dressed up as a male and was threatening him in a restaurant.

"They were more like young ladies from rich and influential families in ancient times. You know, girls with their hair long and let down, wearing makeups and a veil, also wearing these kimonos and these sandals. Also, carrying around a paper fan? That is what they remind me of, except they were not bratty or arrogant. They were like young ladies who believe in equal rights and acting like men," Gary chuckled.

"Favorable impression," Paul added.

"I see that you guys have some interesting impressions of each other. Well, it is nice to meet you all. I have learned a lot from you. This will be out by the next issue so I hope you guys can support it and read it. I hope you guys have a nice day," the reporter said after she looked at her watch. And stands up from her seat, bows, before leaving the room.

Both teams looked at each other before they shrugged their shoulders. Their managers came and pick them up, and both teams went to their own separate ways. The girls were sitting in their car with Harley driving. They were talking to each other quietly about their plans and their schedule for the rest of the day. While driving, Harley looked at the rear mirror. "Girls, I have some good news. I have entered you guys in another competition. I think you would like it and will do well," Harley said when they were at a traffic light.

"What contest is it, Harley?" May asked, giving Harley her full attention.

"It is not as grand as the Top of the World Competition but it will help you. I have a favorable impression of it. The contest is more about getting to know you and also showcasing your skill. It is in a month so you guys should be okay, as there is nothing planned so far," Harley responded. "However, I would still advise you to be careful in the competition. You never know what happened."

"Thank you, Harley. I think we will do fine. When will we get more information about it?" Misty asked.

"Tomorrow. I have the booklet with me and I will photocopy it tonight and give it to you tomorrow. Read everything in the booklet carefully in case. You never know if there will be a loophole or if there is something useful that you can use if anything happens," Harley said.


Song: Danger
Album: Danger
Artist: BTS

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