Chapter 32

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Iris looked at the screen in shock when she heard the announcement. The Wallflower Girls, forfeited? Impossible! These girls are the strongest she ever known and she knew that the girls will not back down until the very end. The girls were just walking toward the stage a few moments ago and suddenly, they forfeited without even showing their face to the stage and without saying it personally to the audience and especially without any reason. This is not the Wallflower Girls at all. Iris immediately leaves the backstage and into the hallway outside where she phoned Harley to tell him about the situation and at the same time, Harley called Iris to asked what happened.

The contest unliked the first contest the girls entered was known for their live views. As soon as the contest begins, it was live on television where the audience at home can also participate in the voting and watch the performances. When the audience announced the surprised forfeit, most of the audience, there and at home were booing at the girls. Thousands of fans went to their social media and talked about forfeit while others went to the social media accounts of the girls, Harley, and Iris, to look for answers. The whole social media was in an uproar as hashtags like #WallflowerGirlsForfeitedInTheContest, #WhereAreTheWallflowerGirls, #BehindTheSceneOfTheContest, #LookingForAnswers, and #ReasonsToTheRosesForfeit, soon began to trend within the first couple minutes of being up. The netizens all comment on what they think that happened, as well as others who just join the show, and the enemies of the girls. However, the main question everyone wants to know is, where are the girls? Why did they forfeited before they show up on the screen and why did the host announce the forfeit a short while after announcing the girls' turn? Many logical members online write down their theories and the weird things happening on the stage. All in all, the internet was bombed with questions that no one knows the answers to.

"Iris! What happened? Where are the girls!? They better give me a good explanation of this!" Harley roared into the phone.

"Harley! I am wondering the same thing! I want to know what happened too! They were just going to get to the stage and then the host announced that they forfeited! Their shadow didn't even enter the stage! How am I supposed to know! They haven't even returned yet!" Iris exclaimed in response. The whole thing was mysterious and suspicious.

"What do you mean their shadow didn't enter the stage? What exactly happened?" Harley asked.

"I just told you what happened, Harley! They were just going to walk through the hallway to enter the stage and then boom! The host announced that they forfeited! How am I supposed to know what happened? It is not like the girls entered the stage and announced themselves that they forfeited! If that was the case, then this whole story would have been different! It is like they disappeared suddenly to nowhere!" Iris said, feeling herself losing her voice and her blood pressure rose.

Harley sighed from the other end. "It is most likely that their parents had to figure out what happened to them. I am going to give them all a call to tell them about the situation. You go and ask the backstage staff about what in the world happened. The girls can't disappear into thin air. Also, leave the contest area. Let me know what you found and deal with the online business. I just check outline and it is blowing up with posts and demands of the netizens," Harley ordered Iris.

"Very well. Well, do. I will contact you shortly," Iris responded before to hang up and walk back backstage. Iris picked up the girls' things and take them with her as she walked to the staff backstage to ask them about what happened. The only answer Iris get is they don't know, they were busy, or it is none of their business. She frowns and then asked to go into the hallway where every team has to go through to enter the stage. As Iris walked through the hallway, she didn't notice any figures, any shadows, no anything. She was about to leave before we noticed a rose petal from the ground. Noticing it, she went over and picked up the petal before the close exam. The petal was not real. It was made with soft fabric that looks like a real rose and it seems to be torn from its source. Iris frowns before she walked out of the hallway and out of the backstage and went to the locker rooms and the changing rooms where the girls put their stuff. Taking them out and pack them into their bags, Iris brings all the girls' things to her car. She leans back in her car seat before closing her eyes and take two deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. She, then, opened her eyes and drive away from the contest area.

When Iris enters her hotel room ten minutes later, she opens her computer and logged into all the Wallflower Roses' official account before making a statement. "Thank you everyone for your concerns," Iris wrote. "This is @Iris and I am the assistant manager of the Wallflower Roses. As you all saw or hear, the girls were said to have forfeited from the contest. I would like to ask for all fans to not listen to anything the outside were saying. Unless it is the girls or one of us announce any forfeit, it is not true. We just get the news that the girls were not in the contest area. Their location at this moment is not yet known. I hope everyone to be patient and wait for the news. If anyone had noticed anything, please let us know. We are trying to figure this out now. Thank you all very much. @ManagerHarley."

The post was posted online and soon, everyone reposts it and fans commented about their concerns and hope the girls were fine. Iris and Harley both repost this message to their own accounts to get more people to know about what happened


Song: Run
Album: Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 2
Artist: BTS

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