Chapter 46

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May's eyes twitched a little with her eyes shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello May, how are you doing?" Serena asked with a cute smile and a little wave.

"I have been very well. You still haven't answered my question," May replied directly.

"Ah, I saw your parents in the market so I thought to greet them," Serena said.

"Why don't you girls talk in the living room? I will bring some snacks," Carolina said, gently pushing the girls to the living room.

Serena was a famous fashion designer and she usually designs the Knight Boys performance outfits for their show. Unlike Dawn, who designs for fun and in her free time,  it was her passion to design and to showcase. Serena was one of May's old friends since they lived in the same city and went to the same school today. They used to greet each other l whenever they saw each other or they would invite each other to events. That is before Serena had left to do design for the Knight Boys and May never heard from her again. To May, Serena was now more like an acquaintance since it had been years since she heard from her, and the last time May saw her was when she accidentally bumped into Serena months before she broke up with Brandon.

May sat on the sofa and take a sip of the tea her mother had made for them and bit into a muffin. Serena was sitting across from her and also drinking her tea.

"I haven't heard from you for so long and you suddenly popped up in my house was surprising," May said suddenly in the silence.

Serena smiles a little. "I heard that you are going on a vacation so I thought to visit you since I am taking a little break myself."

May looked at Serena skeptically. "Really? I wouldn't have thought."

"We all had been busy in our lives, May," Serena said.

"I know that. That is why I am surprised. You said that we all had been busy in our lives yet here you are, visiting me after, what is it, years. It made me curious about what is the reason that brings you here," May said directly. "I am not saying that you need a reason to."

"This is the May that I know from the stage. I can see that you had changed. I come here for no other meeting but to check on you. I saw what happened on the news and I was busy the past few weeks," Serena said. 

"I know. Thank you for visiting me. You changed too. But I also see that you didn't change at the same time. Managing the Knight Boys fan club, right?" May asked, with a smile.

Serena blushed. "What! That is ridiculous! No way!"

May laughed. "It is you, otherwise, you would not have that reaction. Also, the username and the bio is so like you."

Serena coughed a little and take a few deep breaths to calm down her fast-beating heart before looking at May again. "Okay, I will admit that it was me. What about it?"

The two of them laughed before they talked briefly about what they had gone through and their stories. They also talked about everyday things like fashion, music, and food, almost as if they were old friends again before they had separate from each other. But, they knew that things would not go back to the way it used to be, and soon, they would have to go to their original lives again.

Soon, Serena left the Maple's house and May leaned back on the sofa as their maids cleaned up the tea and the cakes. She stayed that way for a while, thinking about her and Seren before they had lost contact with each other. In the midst of her flashbacks, a song lyrics suddenly popped up in her brain: "Hello, my alien/We're each other's mystery". May quickly sat up, surprising everyone in the room before she rushed to her room.

May never ran so fast before, even when there was a fire behind her. Her room was at the end of the opposite hallway. As of May run past all the other servants in the hallway, they can still see the dust she had left behind. May locked the door as soon as she enters her room and reached for a blank sheet of paper she had on her table and scribbled down the lyrics she had. Then, she adds some more lyrics until it had become a stanza. May spun her chair around for a few circles and think before writing more into the white sheet of paper. Soon, the first draft of a new song was created. May looked at it over and nodded her head. She placed the song away in her drawer and leaned back at her chair. She wanted to share the song with the others to see how that think about it but she doesn't want to dump them with work on the first day of their vacation.

May swipe through her contacts list to see if there is anyone she can talk with about her new song. When May thought of new music, she wanted to quickly edit and asked for an opinion before she worked on it again with more drafts. She saw a particular contact and thought for a while. She clicked on the contact and paused. After calming her heart, she decided to send a message to the person. 

"Hey. Can we have a video call or something? I have a new song and I was wondering if you can help me edit it."

A few seconds after the message was sent, the other person saw the message and started texting. After a while, a message was sent. May looked at it. "Okay. I am free tomorrow? Meet me at 3? I will tell you about the place. Don't like to discuss music online."

May looked at her schedule and agreed. "Okay."


Song: Dalla Dalla
Album: IT'z ICY
Artist: ITZY

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