Extra #3

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Leaf x Gary (leafgreenshipping)

Setting: High School

Each extra is independent of one another.

Gary's Point of View

"Paul! You look more dashing than usual! Not that you are not dashing in the past, but what's the sudden change?" I asked when I saw Paul at our usual lunch table. I placed my tray on the table and take a seat next to Ash, who was working on worksheets while stuffing french fries into his mouth.

"Nothing," Paul responded as he glanced at me and then look back at his open book, taking a sip in his orange juice.

"That is very suspicious. But since you don't want to share, I guess I should just leave it and search for what happened myself," I said, taking a bite into my hamburger.

Drew came and join us at the table with his lunch and sat down next to Paul a few moments later.

In our school, we have this very interesting system, in which every student was placed into one of the four groups, Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs. The group each student was placed in was completely random. However, within each group, there is a system in which the status of each student was placed. It goes as Kings, Queens, Jacks, Ace, and normal students, which were separated into eight groups, which nine is the highest and two is the lowest. Each student has a specific badge that shows which group and class they are in. The higher the position, the more authority one has and the more outstanding the student was. We are the Four Kings. Drew is the King of Hearts; Paul is the King of Diamonds; Ash is the King of Spades; I am the King of Clubs. That means we are not only at the top of the class but also athletic and a natural-born leader. Not only that, but our family background is also at the top of the school, which is a bonus.

Hmm... who made us so perfect? We are rich, handsome, and intelligent. We are always surrounded by admiration by students and teachers all around. Becoming the Kings have their advantages.

"Say, Ash, I heard that you are getting tutored because you failed the professor's tests? What's up?" I asked, looking at the stack of worksheets Ash is trying to finish.

Ash groaned in response as he shoved his sandwich into his mouth. "Let's not talk about it. That professor's class is so boring. How does she expect me to pay attention to her lectures? And besides, I only failed two of her tests by having a barely passing grade. I am not failing her class at all."

"Still, a failing test is still a failing test," Paul commented and rolled his eyes.

"Have you heard about the Selection, yet? Apparently, we are having our annual Selection competition this year to reset the order of the class," Drew said, while thinking.

"I think it doesn't really affect us or those in the lower classes. It may affect more for those in Queen to Ace," Paul said.

"True, but we will never know," I responded with a shrug.

Lunch period quickly finished and we went our separate ways to different classes. It was my English class and the second I step into the classroom, all the chatter stopped, and everyone turned to look at me. I smiled and waved at them and walked to my seat, which my deskmate is already there, listening to music with her eyes closed and her head nodding along.

My deskmate, Leaf Green, is always early for classes and always seen with her headphones and glasses on. She is the sister of Red Green, the former King of Clubs, and currently a young and successful entrepreneur in the business world. He is a leader that everyone was inspired to be and still had an influence on the students today, even after he graduated. She was a popular student in our school and was usually seen around with her three friends. Even though she is my deskmate in this class, we never really talked much outside of class.

"Good afternoon, Leaf! I hope you have a great lunch today," I greeted her cheerfully.

Leaf opened her brown eyes and glanced at me before taking off her headphones and putting them away. "Good afternoon, Gary. Nice to see you not surrounded by your entourage for once and give me some space to breathe. I am glad that you learned," Leaf said. "I have a good lunch today. I think you did, too."

"Why, thank you for worrying about me. I have a great lunch today. We just had a very important meeting today, so we don't have time to greet others. Besides, we are bringing joy and union to all of our students," I responded with a smile as I sat down next to her.

Leaf rolled her eyes. "Why, that is very nice. I hope you show the same enthusiasm when we are working on the project together."

"We have a project?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes, the professor told us yesterday, didn't you remember? It doesn't matter If you don't remember anyway. We have a literature project that is due by the end of the week," Leaf said, handing over a piece of paper to me.

I take it and skim it over. There is a lot of instructions and information that the professor had typed into the document. "It seemed to be a lot of work that we needed to do. What do you think? Can we finish it on time?"

"I think so, but we may have to continue to work on it after school somewhere. It all depends on how we organize the work and how fast we work, as well as other factors that will be involved. As for now, we should just start and see how it goes," Leaf said, taking the paper away from my hands.

"Leaf, I feel so honored that you are worried about me," I smiled and looked at her.

Leaf turned to look at me and frowned. "I am not worried about you. I am more worried about the suffering of my grades."

I chuckled under my breath and the professor walked into the classroom. Leaf is always like this, serious and strict during class. But it is also part of her charm. I guess I will have fun during the project.

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