Chapter 7

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"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Top of the World Competition, where top bands compete with each other to see who is the best and who will take the throne! My name is Harley and I will be your host for this competition! So who is ready? Give me a scream!!!" Harley, the host exclaimed into the microphone as he introduces the competition.

"Ahhh!!!!" the crowds screamed as they wave their posters and glow sticks into the air for support.

The bands that are participating in the competition are in their assigned rooms with their manager and their teams, getting ready to introduce themselves to the crowds. From backstage, they can hear the excitement. With the flat screen television in their rooms, they can see exactly what is going on in the stage and the audience.

In the girls' room, May was sitting on a chair in front of a mirror as she quickly applies some light makeup on her face and makes sure her belts and roses is in place. Her chestnut hair was let down to her shoulders as she let Leaf do her magic to put her hair up like a rose. Misty was already finished dressing up and is watching the television with her legs crossed on the sofa while licking a lollipop. Her arms were dangles lifelessly over the sofa arm and her legs were put up on the glass coffee table. Dawn was in front of a big mirror while applying her lipstick and putting up her hair. She dusts off the imaginary dust on her as she moves around in front of her body length mirror to see how she looks like. Leaf was focused on May's hair. She is already ready and prepared for the competition. Her hands move like fairies, weaving May's hair and putting in pins. The girls were busy with their own things as they prepare themselves. However, they appear like they have done this a million times before because this is their first competition in the industry and they didn't look or seem nervous at all. They just leisurely taking their time to prepare and didn't panic or worry. Their assistant, Iris, seems to be the only one pacing around with her clipboard and making sure that everything was in place.

"Misty! Put your feet down! You are dirtying the table and your shoes! What are you doing, eating cookies like that! Look at your makeup! And hair! You are messing up your outfit! May! Focus! Put your phone away! You have plenty of time to do that later! Leaf, make the hair faster! Your hair also needs to have a little repair. It is out of place and some of your hair is sticking out. Dawn, what in the world are you doing? Stop standing around in front of the mirror! You have plenty of time to do that later! You have to do your makeup! Who told you to put on that much! Clean off some of it! Can you girls be serious for once? This is a competition and you girls act like it is nothing!" Iris exclaimed at the girls as her heels click on the wooden floor.

"Iris, we know what we are doing. Relax. It seems like you are the one who is going to enter the competition. Don't worry about us. We will do fine. We enter so many contests before this," May said calmly.

"This is different, okay You girls are going to be on stage and for millions of the viewers. It is not like your typical high school contest," Iris explained.

"We know, Iris. Don't worry. We will do fine. Of we didn't win, at least we have fun. If we do win, it is a bonus. You know us, Iris. Winning is not important. And besides, we are ready for anything. You just have to believe us. Do you really think that we will fail our family and friends?" Misty said as she lifts her feet off of the coffee table.

"Misty and May are right, Iris. We are ready and we are a team. We can work this put together and as long as we have each other's backs, we are ready," Leaf said.

"But you are right about our appearances. It is a mess. I guess that this is our first time performing in a contest that we forgot that it is not our music video we are filming. Let's go girls. If we are ready, we have to show we are ready. It is time to get serious! Makeover time!" Dawn announced as he pushes everyone in front of a mirror.

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