Friends are always there (Harry)

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A/N: sorry to everyone here for only 1D stuff. I'm really struggling to come up with new ideas for just the five of them so this one will be OT9 too. Also if you haven't or you just like 1D, give 5sos a chance for me. They're amazing and the 9 of them have saved my life. I suggest listening to them.

Harry was feeling like absolute shit. He couldn't understand how someone could feel this awful. He really just needed some comfort from someone, but he wasn't sure who was near him. Unfortunately he was on a solo tour, and unlike during the band, he was in a hotel room alone. He was about to open his snapchat, too see who was close by, when he felt really nauseous. He knew he was sick, but he was really hoping it didn't get to this point. He stumbled to his hotel bathroom and flipped up the lid. All he could focus on was the awful churning in his gut. He finally felt his stomach do a flip as he scrambled over the toilet. He gagged, leading to his entire dinner from last night making a reappearance. Round after round until he was completely drained. He somehow pulled himself back to his bed and flopped down. He picked up his phone and saw his snapmap open. He was so delusional that, because he understood the names in the hotel a block down he dialed their number and called.



Michael and Luke were playing Mario Kart in their hotel room while Calum and Ashton sat on their phones. Suddenly Calum's started ringing.

A: who is it Cal?

C: ummm i....

The other two paused their game and turned around

L: Cal who is it?

C: Harry Styles

M: are you sure? It could be like fake maybe?

C: let me just answer hold on - he said walking away

He walked into his bedroom and answered the phone.

C: Harry mate? Is that you?

H: yeah look sorry-

C: it's just that we haven't really spoken in a while and-

H: hey look. I know this is awkward but I'm really ill in a hotel down the block and I don't want to bother any of the boys cause they're so far away. You guys don't need to stay but can you just bring me some meds.

C: oh shit of course. What do you need?

H: I'll send you a list. Thank you guys.

C: course mate.

Calum walked back and the other boys were staring, the game still paused, waiting for an answer.

L: so who was it?

C: it was actually him

M: why?

C: he's unwell and needs someone to get him some medicine so I agreed

The other three nodded in agreement and they got ready to leave.


Back in Harry's room he was feeling like everything was against him. He could feel and hear his stomach bubbling and churning and he was absolutely miserable. He also had a pounding headache and was shivering and shaking under his layers of blankets. His head felt fuzzier than before and it seemed like hours since he called Calum. In his mentally impaired state he realized they didn't have a key. He slowly threw his blanket over himself and started stumbling towards the door. He made it to the "living room" and heard a knock at the door. He tried to keep going, but he felt so dizzy and faint. He somehow made it to the handle and opened it. The four boys were not ready to see Harry looking paler than Michael, shaking like a leaf, literally moments away from passing out. Ashton pushed past Luke and into the hotel room, scared Harry was going to faint right there. Luke suddenly realized Ashton needed some help and the two younger boys helped Harry back to the small couch in his room.

M: woah H

Calum dumped out all of the supplies on the coffee table and started organizing it.

H: ugh my head is so fuzzy

A: he's burning up Cal. thermometer and fever reducers 100%

They put the thermometer under his tongue and watched as the numbers kept on climbing. Unfortunately they were in LA and weren't quite familiar on the Fahrenheit system.

A: 103.3 to celsius Mikey

Ashton handed the thermometer to Michael while he got out fever reducers. He knew the number was high, but didn't understand how high.

M: oh crap it's 39.6

H: mmm feel sick

Luke ran for the trash can in the corner of the room and placed it in Harry's lap. Harry let out the little bit left in his stomach along with some stomach acid that burned his throat as it came up.

H: want Lou - he whined

C: I don't know where Lou is H. We're here for you though.

Harry started to cry and the other four felt so bad for him.

L: michael go try and call Louis, if not, call Liam - he whispered quietly

Michael walked out into the other room and pulled his phone out. After the other boys gave Harry his meds he fell asleep quickly. Michael walked back in shaking his head. The 5sos boys all walked away from Harry in a huddle.

L: i feel so bad for him

A: yeah, imagine being with your best friends for 5 years and now when he's doing it alone he gets this sick.

C: sucks for the poor guy

M: yeah, but I told Louis and Liam to call me back when they get the message.

A: well our next concert is tomorrow in Seattle so we're gonna have to get him sorted out soon.

Harry was still asleep two hours later. Michael's phone started buzzing and it was Liam. Thank the lord.

M: guys it's Liam, hold on


Li: Hey Michael I got your call. Sorry it's been so long, but what's going on?

M: where are you right now

Li: I'm actually on a plane right now. I have a shoot in LA later today

M: thank god. Can you push it and come over to this hotel if I send you the address

Li: what's going on?

M: we were in our hotel about a block away when Calum got a call from Harry. He's really ill and we don't really know what to do. Of course we'll help him any way we can but he'd most likely prefer you so...

Li: oh shit how bad is he?

M: he had a fever of like 39.6 so he's not doing too well

Li: oh poor Haz. I'll be there as soon as I can.

M: thank you Li

Li: course mate. And we 100% need to catch up soon.

M: yeah that would be great


Michael walked back into the room to see that Harry was still asleep.

M: Liam will be here soon

L: really?

C: thank god

A: well that's a relief.



There was a knock at the door. The 5sos boys were grateful that Harry only slept and puked for the time between. Liam walked in and was ready to help his friend feel better. The 5sos boys wished Liam good luck and got on their bus to get to Seattle. Liam helped Harry feel better through the next day and a half until he was finally on the mend. Harry was so grateful for his friends, that he threw a small party when he was feeling better and the 6 of them hung out like old times + Louis of course. 

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