Zayn Strep

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A/N: again although it starts out with Zayn "alone" just keep reading. Also I didn't do any research so i'm not sure if this could even happen, but just go with it. Also I kinda got carried away and it's over 2,000 words, but it is what it is.

Zayn was going to the iHeart Radio Music Awards tomorrow. Even though the band had gone on hiatus, a year ago, their album Made in the A.M. was up for an award, and so was Mind Of Mine. The shows were tomorrow, and Zayn has an overwhelming nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach. He crawled into his bed, next to Gigi who was already asleep, and closed his eyes. He was shaken awake, and realized he had swear though his sheets and was still sweating like crazy.
"come on Zaynie, we gotta get you cleaned up" gigi said softly
She helped him into a nice cool shower. It felt good at first but that turned into a lightheaded/dizzy feeling. He slid down the back shower wall and let the water wash over him. He figured she'd left to change the sheets, and so he just sat there cooling off, and waiting for her.
"aww baby. why are you on the floor?" she questioned
"dizzy" Zayn mumbled back
She cooed, before helping him out and wrapping him up in a towel. Gigi had walked out to grab some clothes, when the overly nauseous feeling came back. He threw the toilet lid open and immediately started gagging. He felt a cool hand rubbing his back and he sighed in relief, grateful for the comfort. After expelling whatever was left in his system, Gigi helped Zayn back to the bedroom and dressed. He laid down on the bed and curled in on himself, trying to ignore the swirling in his gut. It took a while, but he drifted off and slept through the night. When his alarm went off at 10:45, he knew he needed to start getting ready. The nauseous feeling was gone, but it was replaced with an excruciating headache. It wasn't yet a migraine, but it was so close and so painful. He felt a shiver go through him and realized just how cold he was. Thank meant one thing; fever.

"morning zaynie. How are you feeling?" Gigi said concerned
"i'm not nauseous anymore, but I've got a fever and my head hurts" he sighed
Gigi clicked her tongue "aww baby maybe we should cancel tonight"
"tonight?" Zayn said questioningly
"the awards hun" Gigi pouted
Zayn groaned "oh fuck. I'm so screwed"
Gigi was a bit concerned by Zayn's forgetfulness. He hadn't shut up about this night for weeks. She walked over and pressed the back of her hand on his forehead. It wasn't dangerously warm but she could feel the fever.
"aww Z. We can just tell them you're too poorly"
Zayn started crying.
"t-this is the o-only way I c-can see the l-lads without it b-being awkward" he cried
Gigi felt awful "aww baby. I know you miss them. Why don't we get you some meds and see if you feel better."
She brought up fever reducers, Advil, and a glass of water. Zayn decided on another to cool off before going downstairs and meeting everyone. There was a makeup crew, his hair stylist, a tailor, and a lot of assistants. He walked straight over to Adeline, his MUA for almost two years. They were quite comfortable around each other. He sat down in front of her and she got started. After about 15 minutes of her setting everything up, she spoke up.
"Hey Zayn?"
"hmm" he hummed, eyes closed
"you feeling okay? You're really warm and a bit pale"
"not at my best right now. I think i'm coming down with something" he admitted
"forget coming, I think you're down with something" she said
Zayn chuckled "what does that even mean?"
"Are you going to be okay at the awards. Maybe send Gigi in your place" Adeline suggested
"no I can't. This is big for me, and I have to go" he said, shaking his head
She sighed "alright, but tell someone if you feel worse."
"of course Addy"
She finished up, and then he got my hair done. By the time everyone was done he looked great. All that was left was his suit, and obviously getting dressed wouldn't take that long, so he decided to see what Gigi was up to first. He walked up into the bedroom, and she was just sitting on the bed, on her phone.
"hey Gi" he smiled
She looked up "hey handsome. How are you feeling?"
"I know it's just the meds, but I feel tons better. My headache is still there, but not as bad"
"okay, that's good. It's been 3 hours, so right before you leave take some more meds, and bring them with you." she decided
Zayn got dressed, touched up his hair, downed some more medicine, and then he was in the limo. It was only 4 pm, but the venue was another hour away, and the event started at 5:30 so they would just make it. He was scrolling through twitter when he started getting nauseous again. Sometimes, being on his phone made him a bit carsick, so he just put my phone away, and hoped everything would work out. After another 15 minutes it started getting really hot, and Zayn asked for the A/C to be turned on, because he wasn't allowed to open the window.

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