Liam Stress Fever

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A/N: I wrote this when Liam seemed genuinely happy and I believed his new record company was really good for him. But unfortunately that did not play out. I want to clarify that I'm not writing this to use his hardships as a story because i wrote it before. i'm just tweaking it. if this story makes anyone uncomfortable, please let me know and i'll take it down immediately.

tw/// panic attack

Liam was getting really stressed out. The band had gone on a hiatus, and now they were solo for a bit. His new management was so much better, or so he thought. It started 3 weeks before the album was going to come out. They kept him at the studio until 3am and expected him back at 7:30. It took over 20 minutes to drive home, a 10 minute shower, and then he fell asleep quicker than ever. 4 hours later he was woken up by my blaring alarm. He was exhausted. This went on for 2 weeks. He would get 5 hours of sleep maximum, and then be up for 20 hours. It was exhausting and he was constantly napping, wherever and whenever he could. It was 1:30pm, his lunch break. He only got 30 minutes, but instead of eating he slept. He was woken up at 1:53 to his phone ringing. He grabbed it and answered sleepily

"Hey mate. How are you?"
"hmm?" he hummed tiredly
"Liam? It's Louis. Are you okay?"
Liam blinked harshly "ummm........ yeah"
there was a significant croak in his voice that wasn't there before his nap
"Liam you don't sound too well. Do you feel okay?" Louis asked
"no I've got a headache and my throat kinda hurts" Liam realized
Louis clicked his tongue "oh that sucks"
"oh god! I'm getting sick! Oh god" Liam panicked
"Liam? What's going on? Why are you freaking out?" Louis asked
Liam took a deep breath in "oh my god. They're gonna kill me. It's all my fault" he rambled
"Liam calm down mate. It's okay"
"damn it Louis. I'm such a screw up"

Liams breathing was picking up

"oh Liam. you are one of the best people I've ever met. You are not a screw up."
"i- oh god. Louis I can't breathe" he panted
"okay. You're going to be just fine, just do your best to copy my breathing" Louis coached
He started taking over exaggerated deep breaths that Liam did his best to follow but the attack lasted another 20 minutes. Someone from management came to get him, but when they saw his state, they left without a word. Without any "are you okay Liam?" or "can we help you?" Liam finally calmed down after about 30 minutes of panting, and almost passing out.

"Liam? You okay now?" Louis asked
"yeah I think so" Liam whispered
"oh god you scared the shit outta me" he said, strained, obviously holding back tears
"i'm so sorry"
"no Liam it's not your fault, I just didn't quite know what to do. I'm fine, as long as you're okay now"
"yeah I'm okay"
"wanna tell me what that was about?"
"I just haven't been sleeping. I think it's been growing for a while" Liam admitted
"has that ever happened before"
"oh yeah. Once" he remembered
"when?" Louis asked
"umm like 2014 i think"
"in the band?" he said shocked
"umm yeah. I remember panicking, but then it's black. I must've passed out"
"oh Li" he said sympathetically
Liam waved it off "it wasn't that bad"
"How many hours of sleep a night?"
"umm less than 5" liam said sheepishly
"LIAM! Last time you did that you made yourself sick. That's probably what this is"
"oh my god. You're right. Oh god" he muttered
"Liam. How long have you not been sleeping"
"1 no 2 weeks" he said, disappointed in himself
"oh Li. I'm at the airport now. I left like 10 minutes into your panic attack. I'll be there soon"
"LOUIS! I've told you not to drive while you're on the phone. You could've crashed" liam snapped
"and i told you last time you got stress sick, to not do it again, so we're even"
"is there a couch or bed where you are?" louis asked
"yeah a couch"
"alright, I'm calling your management, and you are taking a nap on that couch right now. I'll see you when I land"
"thank you Louis" liam said gratefully
Louis smiled "of course Payno"

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