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A/N: I tried my best to write a hurtfic but I'm not very good at them. I wrote this for @dd2400 and I hope that it is good enough. Feel free to request or request again. Enjoy :)

Zayn and Liam were watching a bit of television downstairs when Liam asked for a sprite. Zayn looked back at him worried. Liam did not like soda, but he drank it when he wasn't feeling well because it settled his stomach.

Z: you okay love?

Li: yeah my stomach's just a bit upset

Z: okay, i'll go get some and some crackers

Zayn walked over and kissed Liam on the forehead and then walked into their kitchen, but they were out of sprite and ginger-ale. He grabbed the crackers and walked back to Liam.

Z: We don't have any sprite baby. I'm gonna go to the store now to get some. Eat for me?

Li: okay

Zayn handed the sleeve of crackers to Liam and left to change. He put on some jeans and a hoodie, grabbed his wallet and phone, said goodbye to Liam, and left. He decided on walking since it was only a 20 minute walk and it was nice outside. He walked into the store and realized they'd just gone shopping earlier in the week so he grabbed a 12 pack of sprite cans and walked towards the cash register. An aisle full of magazines caught his eye. He walked over and looked at the headline. "ZAYN MALIK OF ONE DIRECTION QUITTING BAND DUE TO DRUG PROBLEM!" He picked up the magazine and went to the page. He and Louis were having a smoke and they called it a drug problem. He took a few pictures with his phone. Then he realized there was a quote from management.

"He's already spoken about leaving. He said if we took away his ability to abuse drugs he wouldn't be in the band anymore. We were shocked but he stormed out"

Zayn felt the blood rush to his head and his ears were ringing. He couldn't hear a thing as the whole supermarket was spinning in his vision. He had talked to management about leaving, but not about drugs or anything like that. He didn't hear the lady coming and she didn't see him either. Her cart bumped his thigh roughly and he fell, landing on his ankle in a seated position. He was brought back to reality when he heard a sickening crack. He tried to move his leg out from underneath him but he cried out in pain. Tears were running down his face as he pulled himself up and limped painfully over to the cashier. She looked at him concerned and rung him up. He was stumbling back towards his house when he put a bit too much pressure on his injured foot. It gave out and he was on the sidewalk. His knee was cut open by the concrete and that was bleeding now. He realized he couldn't make it home, but Liam wasn't well and he wasn't going to call him. He shakily pulled out his phone and dialed Louis' number.

Lou: hey mate!

Z: l-lou i n-need h-help - he sobbed

Lou: okay, hold on Z

Zayn could hear some shuffling and a grunt from Harry before Louis came back on the line.

Lou: can H hear too or-

Z: t-that's f-fine. C-can you c-come and pick me u-up

Lou: Did you and Liam get in a fight or something, what's wrong?

Z: n-no I'll send you the a-address

Lou: alright, where are you?

Z: the sidewalk

Lou: what?

Z: I-i went to the store c-cause Li isn't f-feeling well. S-someone ran into me with their c-cart and I landed w-wrong. I think my legs b-broken

One Direction SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora