Niall has the flu

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All of the boys were eating dinner in the dining room of the house they shared together. They were talking about song ideas in between bites of pasta that Harry had cooked. Niall had been feeling off all day but he was trying to pay attention for the sake of his friends. All he was thinking about was his bed and sleeping in the next morning. His head started throbbing and he realized it had been hurting for the whole evening. Him noticing the pain just made it escalate quicker than he wanted it too and it was now a synchronized pounding. He grimaced as the pain dulled for a minute, and he continued eating. The boys continued their conversation until Zayn noticed Niall's lethargic moves and spoke up.

"You look exhausted Ni. Maybe you should head up early" Zayn suggested

Niall was completely zoned out, staring just in between Harry and Louis' chairs. Liam put his hand on Niall's shoulder, snapping him out of it.

"You should get some rest mate. We don't mind" Liam added

Niall blinked tiredly and nodded before walking upstairs and hopping in a quick shower. He got into a hoodie and some sweats before cuddling under his duvet, shivering as a chill swept through him. He laid there trying to sleep, but his brain wouldn't shut down. He was still awake at 11:00 when the others came upstairs and was still awake for two hours after that. When he finally fell asleep at 1:00am it didn't last long. He woke up at 3:00 and couldn't fall back asleep. He stared at the ceiling, headache pounding and a weird sensation in his stomach, until Liam came in at 7:00.

"Mate you look worse than last night. Are you okay?"

Niall looked up at his friend and saw the genuine concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine Li. I just didn't sleep too well. Been up for a bit."

"Maybe you should sleep a little longer then" Liam suggested

Niall sighed "I would if I could"

"Alright well we've got recording in 30 so"

Niall rubbed at his eyes tiredly "yep, I'm getting up"

Liam left Niall to get ready and probably to wake the others and Niall just laid there, trying to get enough confidence to get up. He finally just got up and walked to the bathroom to shower but it had already been 10 minutes and he didn't have enough time so he threw on some jeans and a hoodie. He shivered under the hoodie as he brushed his teeth. When he finally got down the stairs everyone was piled in the kitchen, eating quickly. The sound of eating did not appeal to him, it wasn't a gross feeling, more of the fact that he just was not hungry, so instead he went to the front hall and put his shoes on.

"NIALL COME GET BREAKFAST" Louis yelled from the bottom of the stairs

Niall finished putting his shoes on and walked into the kitchen

"Woah did you get any sleep last night?" Harry asked

"Yeah?" Niall asked

"You just look super tired" Louis added

"I'm fine. How long do we have?" he wondered

"10 minutes" Zayn said, checking his phone

"Let's get going then" Liam stated

They filed out of the kitchen and into their cars. They were split between two. It was Louis and Harry in one and Liam, Zayn and Niall in the other. Liam always drove and Zayn always got shotgun so Niall just laid down in the back and tried to sleep again. Apparently he was successful because Zayn was shaking him awake only moments later, saying they'd arrived. Niall blinked tiredly and got out of the car. The three of them got into the elevator and took it to their floor, seeing Louis and Harry just sitting down.

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