Liam - fever

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A/N: this is awful and super short, but I was in the mood to write. Then my creative flow stopped after the first paragraph so I just went with it. Sorry it's so bad, but I'll get a better one out soon. Please send requests I'm running out of ideas. 

Liam was feeling absolutely dreadful, but of course he didn't tell anyone about it. Liam was determined to do this on his own. He didn't want to inconvenience anyone at all. He was alone, in his London house with a cold and a fever. Even though it wasn't too severe yet it was really taking a toll on his body. He was laying on the couch, shaking with fever, surrounded by tissues, and trying to focus on the tv show in front of him. Unfortunately the fever was making it extremely hard to focus and he felt so disoriented. He wasn't even sure what time it was at this point. His sinuses were completely blocked and his head was throbbing. He did not feel well at all. He fell asleep soon after and when he woke up it was light out still. He wasn't quite sure if it had been an hour or 24 but he still felt awful. He knew that he probably needed help, but he was too weak to get the phone. It was at this moment he praised god that he had money.

"Alexa" he croaked "Call Louis"

"Calling Louis" she responded monotone

Lou: hey Li what's up?

Li: c-can h-help

Lou: what? I couldn't understand that

Li: h-help! - he croaked louder

Lou: can you come closer to the phone, you sound so far away

Liam mustered up all of his energy and walked toward the small device. He stumbled over and when he made it, he leaned heavily on the bookcase.

Li: h-help m-me

Suddenly everything went black.


Louis hung up the phone and rushed out to Liam's house


Liam woke up on the couch and someone was patting a cool washcloth to his face.

Li: mmmm - he groaned

Lou: hey Li - he whispered, continuously patting the washcloth on different parts of Liam's face

Li: w-what?

Lou: you passed out Li, it's okay. Nasty fever mate

Li: yeah?

Lou: yeah. How long have you been sick

Li: not sure. I think Monday or Tuesday maybe

Lou: Li it's Friday

Li: what?

Lou: yeah mate, why didn't you call anyone

Li: I slept for two days?

Lou: straight?

Li: I think so

Lou: damn, I think I should get you checked out

Li: yeah, probably

Lou: alright, let me call the others and we'll leave

Li: no, just you is plenty

Lou: look I know you don't want to be a "burden" but you're not - he said with air quotes around burden

Li: fine

Louis walked into the other room and called Harry. Liam heard him ask Harry to call the other two and meet them at the hospital. Louis helped Liam to the car and they drove off. When they made it in, Liam was brought back to a room alone. They didn't let Louis go with him and that made Liam feel worse. Louis was sitting in the waiting room when the other three got there.

N: where is he?

Lou: they took him back and wouldn't let me go too

Z: he'll be okay

The nurse was administering an IV and Liam was less than thrilled. She turned around with the cannula and he started crying.

Li: c-can i p-please h-have L-louis?

Nurse: is that your friend in the waiting room?

Liam nodded

Nurse: of course Mr. Payne

Moments later Louis was in the room with Liam and they shared a hug.

Lou: you're okay Li, just let her put the medicine in

The IV went in quickly and after another 30 minutes, he was feeling much better.

Li: thanks for bringing me Lou

Lou: course Payno. I'm glad you feel better.

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