Liam Faking/Karma

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Liam had been really stressed out lately. The responsible image had been pushed on him extra hard this leg of the tour and he was exhausted with keeping up this facade. He was getting snappy at the boys and grumpy all day and he knew he was close to breaking down. Liam secretly wanted to be the center of attention sometimes because it felt good every once and awhile. He only got that kind of attention from his mom. Since the tour started he hadn't seen her at all and it had been around 7 months since their last visit. Liam missed her so much and seeing everyone with their loved ones really wasn't helping his loneliness. Louis and Harry were always cuddling and Zayn was always on the phone with Gigi and Liam just wanted some comfort. Liam just wanted some comfort. He knew he needed a break from all of the pressure before he headed straight for a nervous breakdown. He started to think of ways out of the busy day he had ahead of him that didn't involve lying, but as long as it was a day to himself he didn't care what it took. He realized he could go with the oldest trick in the book. Liam James Payne NEVER admitted to being sick unless he was dying and everyone knew that about him. He knew that if he admitted it straight off the bat, the boys would surely let him stay home for a day. Liam went to sleep that night with a plan. He set his alarm to 4:45 and plugged in his headphones, so no one else would hear it. At 4:45 the sound blared into his ears and woke him up immediately. Liam groaned as he felt the tiredness set in. He practiced moaning in pain for dramatic effect. Liam knew they had to get up at 5:30 for an interview at 7:00 and that meant the boys would be getting up soon. He rubbed at his eyes forcefully so they would be red and watery and they'd have bags from waking up early. Liam tried closing his eyes again, but sleep just wouldn't come. After laying there, staring at the ceiling, he heard a forceful knock on his door and he just groaned.

"COME ON LI! WE'RE ALL TIRED, BUT LET'S GO!" Louis shouted through the door

"stop " Liam whined realistically

"Can Liam come in?" louis asked, voice lowered back to normal

" yeah I guess" Liam murmured

"Woah you okay? You don't look very good" louis asked, eyes wide

"I don't feel well" Liam moaned again

"okay well do you need anyth- WHAT?" louis practically screamed

"Ow stop yelling" Liam said pressing his pointer finger into his temple hard

"sorry, but what did you say?" louis asked again

"I said I don't feel good, like at all" liam murmured

"fuck okay, just hold on (hehe)" louis comforted

Louis walked out of the room and downstairs to where the other boys were getting ready. He wasn't even sure how to process what he'd just heard. If Liam admitted to being sick so early then there was no way he could do these interviews, Louis thought.

"woah Lou you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" niall questioned

"worse" he panted

" jeez what? A vampire" harry added

Louis rolled his eyes "Liam admitted to being sick just now"

"fuck really?" zayn was shocked

"yeah and he looked awful too." louis was honestly concerned

"aww he okay?" niall wondered aloud


"Alright Lou, let me go check on him" harry offered

Liam could hear Louis screaming downstairs and he smiled to himself, knowing his plan was working. Then Liam heard footsteps coming closer so he rubbed his eyes and then closed them again.

One Direction SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora