Harry Faking

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A/N: everytime I read one titled this I always think of that scene in iCarly, when Zayn says "you think Harry's fakin?" lmao. Also I know it's short, but I wanted to put something else up tonight.

The boys had an interview later that day and Harry didn't want to go. Was he exhausted? He was tired but not to the point of exhaustion. Honestly it was normal day time fatigue for a boyband. He didn't have anything physically wrong with him either. He just didn't want to go. Everyone has those days where there is literally nothing you want to do but be lazy and Harry needed one. He decided that today was the day and he was not going to that interview. He knew that the only way he'd be allowed to stay home was to be unwell and he figured he'd just have to fake it. Liam was that hardest to fool, but even harder would be Paul. Whenever one of the boys was exhausted and just needed a day to sleep the other boys would back them up but since Harry was just feeling unmotivated he knew they'd be angry about it. They were all tired and stressed, but he really just needed some me-time. Just a day when he can relax and not be "The Harry Styles, boy bander, pop-star, heart throb" he just simply needed a break. He knew that there was no way to fake a stomach thing and he wasn't motivated enough to try so he just went with a migraine. All of the boys had had them due to stress sometimes and no one could prove he didn't have a headache. He looked over and saw that it was 7:15, 15 minutes before Liam would come in to make sure he was awake. He closed the curtains, before crawling back into bed and shoving his head under the pillow so it would be as dark as possible. Then he waited for his big performance. 7:30 on the dot he heard Liam's footsteps marching up the stairs. Harry situated himself and closed his eyes again.

"HAZ TIME TO WAKE UP!" Liam yelled, knocking on the door

He whimpered and then faked a sob

"hazza?" Liam said with concern in his tone

He just whimpered again

"Hazza what's wrong bud?" he said, walking into the room"

Hurts" he whimpered pitifully 

"what hurts?" he said as he sat on the bed gently


"You got a headache?" Liam said, dropping his voice to a whisper


Harry hummed knowing that with a migraine he would never shake his head, that makes it worse.

"how bad?" Liam asked, now running his hand up and down Harry's leg, over the blanket. 

"Migraine" he whined 

"shit" Liam muttered


"aww haz don't be sorry it-"

Liam was cut off by a "GET YOUR ASSES UP!" from Louis in the hall
Harry gasped holding his head. He rubbed his temples convincingly and thought about something that made him sad. Zayn's face popped up in his head. The trauma was fresh and tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS- hazza?" louis volume dropped

Harry blinked again letting more tears fall

"what's wrong H?" he asked confusedly 

Liam responded with a quick "migraine"

"aww love"

Harry opened his eyes slowly and looked up at the others. He saw the concern in their faces and it made him feel guilty, but he kept going.

"Can you do the interview bub?" louis asked lightly

"No" Harry whispered, and added "but you guys go. I'll be fine" 

"we are not going to leave you like this" Liam whispered


Harry jumped and so did the others.

"jesus Ni you scared the shit outta me" Louis said, hand on his chest

Liam nodded and Harry just closed his eyes again

"just call Paul over I'll be fine" harry suggested

The minute he uttered those words he wanted to take them back. Now he was screwed. He went too far in his act and now Paul was most likely coming. The slight tiredness kicked in and he fell back to sleep. He woke up alone and when he walked downstairs there was Paul. It was better to admit it now than go along with it, he thought.

"hey Paul" harry said timidly

"how you feeling, Haz?"

Harry took a deep breath "okay, so..."

"oh okay. So you faked" paul sighed

"i'm so so sorry I just wanted a break and-"

"it's fine Hazza. Just chill with me today. The boys only have interviews, so there isn't too much on their plate. Besides I was really not looking forward to being on puke duty so i'd say this is a win-win"

Harry smiled gratefully and took a seat next to Paul on the couch. 

"the live one is in like 30 minutes so we can watch that, and then you can do whatever you were planning on doing today" 

Harry smiled "thanks Paul"

"it's fine. You boys need breaks once in a while" Paul said, shoving Harry's shoulder lightly

They started watching the interview and after they announced Harry's "condition" the crowd let out some awwws and 'is he okay?' and 'how's he doing?' It was super cute. Liam suggested they give him a call just to check up so Harry got near the phone and waited. Right before he pressed the call button he told the crowd to be very quiet. Obviously if he was actually sick he wouldn't answer the phone and he didn't really know why, but he still wanted the boys to believe it so he handed the phone to Paul, who just went along with it.

"hey Haz how are you" Liam asked

Paul smiled and stifled a laugh "it's Paul. He's okay, but he's in a lot of pain"

"aww poor guy" you could see his forehead wrinkling in concern

"yeah he's not-"

Harry winked and then sprinted and slammed the bathroom door. He heard Paul say he was puking and hung up. Paul was laughing roughly in the lounge and Harry giggled his way back out to see Paul in hysterics. Harry looked at the TV and saw Liam concerned, Louis pale as a ghost panicked, and Niall confused. He started laughing harder and actually started crying. The interview ended a while later and he went upstairs for a shower. Not a, wash yourself and get dressed so we can go, but a proper 30 minute, steamy water, muscle relaxing, tension relieving, calming, shower. He got out and changed into a hoodie and some shorts, trying to be as comfy as possible. He got back into bed and scrolled through twitter for a while. Then he put on the Notebook in the background, cozied up and watched it happily. Halfway through he made some tea and just enjoyed the day. Thankfully the boys didn't find out until a wild night of truth or dare.

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