Louis (Lilo bromance and Larry)

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The boys were in their hotel for one more day, before two of them had to go get the stage ready and the other three would stay behind for press. The stage for their next concert was 8 hours away, so the two leaving first would take the bus and the other three would fly over there the next day, the day of the concert. They still hadn't decided who was going to go where, but that was a day away, so they had "plenty" of time to plan. That night, the boys were sitting in a circle on the floor in the middle of their hotel room. They were playing cards when Louis felt a shiver course through him. He shook for a few seconds and went back to playing cards like it was nothing. No one seemed to notice as he continued to shiver throughout the game. When they finished, he was feeling quite tired.

Lou: i'm off to bed lads

H: So early love?

Lou: just tired.

H: alright, I'll come cuddle up soon

Lou: sounds good Hazza. I love you.

Louis walked over toward the room he shared with his boyfriend, Harry. He striped down to his boxers and climbed into bed. For some reason he couldn't fall asleep. He felt exhausted but sleep wouldn't come. He was awake when Harry came in two hours later, and even after Harry himself had fallen asleep. It was around 4:50am when Louis finally fell into a light sleep. Unfortunately Harry woke up to pee at 5:00, waking Louis up. When Harry came back to bed he saw Louis rubbing his eyes.

H: Did I wake you love?

Lou: mmhmm - he nodded slightly

H: your usually not a light sleeper

Lou: i can't fall asleep

H: at all? Have you been up all night?

Lou: hahah yeah - louis chuckled slightly

H: no pun intended

Lou: alright, go back to sleep Haz

H: I can live off of 6 hours of sleep, you need some

Lou: You know you need more sleep than I do

H: just lay your head on my chest

Louis obeyed and laid his head on Harry's chest. Harry was running his fingers through Louis' hair while humming the melody of They Don't Know About Us. Louis felt so safe and comfortable, but he couldn't fall asleep still. He evened out his breathing purposefully and waited until Harry's did the same. Louis simply got up and walked out to the kitchen of their shared hotel room. He saw that Niall, Zayn, and Liam's doors were still shut, meaning he was the only one awake. He walked into the tiny kitchen and made himself a cup of decaf tea. He plopped down onto the couch and slowly sipped his tea. He got bored quickly and switched on the tv. He was surfing through the channels until he landed on The Good Place. He'd seen the show multiple times, so he let it play and continued on his tea. Afterward he just laid down on the couch and zoned out. He was staring at the TV but he wasn't paying any attention. Soon his eyes fluttered shut and he allowed sleep to wash over him. Again, it didn't last because Liam shook him awake at 6:30. He'd only been asleep for an hour all night and all he wanted was rest.

Li: Why were you sleeping out here?

Lou: didn't wanna wake H up

Li: why would you wake him up?

Lou: couldn't sleep

Li: why?

Lou: boy are you full of questions

Li: sorry, you can sleep some more

Lou: I can't Li

Li: sorry for waking you then

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