Niall's Torn Foot

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A/N: Niall went live with Ashe, and explained how he hurt his foot, so this story is going to be about that, but including the 1D boys. Also I'm not good at writing hurt-fics, so this is gonna be short, terrible, and just for fun.

The boys had been super stressed lately, so when they finally got a break, they went to de stress in their favorite way. They walked into the pub ready to get drunk as fuck. They sat down at the bar and each ordered a pint. They laughed and drank and once they'd each had their third pint Louis ordered a round of shots. That was enough liquid courage to push all 5 of them onto the stage for karaoke. They requested Teenage Dirtbag, like old times.

"her name was noelle" Harry started

They just melted into the music, and once the song was finished Niall downed another pint, and started getting closer to drunk than tipsy.

"How about, in a hour we go to the bar just up the block" Louis slurred
"perfect" niall smiled
"BABY I'M PERFECT FOR YOU!!" louis screamed
Zayn started a completely different song
"OOOh OH OH OHOHOH" Harry laughed

"i'm gonna go get another drink" Niall announced

He was on his 5th pint and definitely drunk. They stumbled out of the bar, and started walking to the next one up the street. Louis wanted to drive, but the bartender took their keys. They were about to cross through a crosswalk, but Niall didn't notice the curb. Everyone stepped down but he rolled his ankle.

"FUCK!" he spat out
Liam turned around "Nialler you okay?"
"yeah just rolled my fucking ankle and it fucking hurts like a motherfucker" niall said through gritted teeth
"language" Harry said, shaking his head
Louis smiled "can it Captain America"
"captain america says that" louis said, annoyed
"I'm fine, I'll just sit down at the next bar" niall groaned

They made it there, and Niall sat down.
'This does not feel like a normal rolled ankle' he thought
Once they got gloriously drunk they ubered home went straight into bed. Liam came in with a huge bag, like a gallon bag, of ice and put it on his bruising leg, before walking out. When Niall woke up he was in a puddle. The ice had melted making it look like he peed himself. He tried to get up and it was excruciating. His ankle was in so much pain he couldn't move it.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" he screamed out in pain
He fell back onto the bed, tears rolling down his cheeks. The door burst open and Liam was standing there looking as worried as possible with a hangover.

"shit Niall are you okay?" he said eyes scrunched up in pain
Niall moaned "no my foot really fucking hurts. You okay?"
"yeah. Killer headache. Why do hangovers exist?"
"i'm okay in that aspect, but my foot it killing me"
Liam closed his eyes in thought "alright let's go to the urgent care. this isn't normal for a sprain"

Liam picked Niall up bridal style and Harry hopped into the car with us. They made it to the hospital and Niall was sent back for x-rays. Thankfully nothing was broken, but he tore most of the ligaments on the outside of his foot, so they gave him a boot. The boot took the pressure off of his foot, and made the pain almost disappear. He didn't need crutches to walk, he just had to keep the boot on and be careful. He hobbled back to the car, Harry and Liam on either side to help, and hopped in.

"6-8 weeks isn't that bad" harry said
Niall pouted "2 months"
"yeah, but if it was broken the cast could be on for like 5 months" Liam consoled
When they made it back to the house and Louis was puking in the bathroom, so Harry ran over to help. Zayn was still asleep, and Liam's headache had turned into a migraine, so he went to sleep too. Niall laid down on the couch and turned on the TV. He fell asleep too and didn't open his eyes until it was dark outside. None of them were really in the eating mood, so they just skipped dinner and headed off to bed early. The next day everyone was mostly over their hangovers, but Niall was in more pain than the day before, so the lads all took care of him.

A/N: sorry that was crappy, but I had no idea how to spice it up. Also when he said it was ruptured, and then said "no I think torn is a better word" all I could think of was, 'nothing's fine I'm torn' and I can't stop laughing at my own joke. I'm turning into Harry.

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