Lilo friendship

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Liam's POV
Louis had gone to bed early with a minor headache, and a super sore throat. What Louis didn't know was that I went to bed only an hour after with searing pain ripping through my skull. Unfortunately I was well aware that the next time I woke up, this would be a migraine. Award shows fucking suck. Louis and I would be attending one in 5 days, but management made us come out to New York early. Being a singer, colds continuously hit our throats, so I wasn't surprised to be awoken by Louis, barking in the second bedroom. Our hotel room was huge. It had a kitchen and a living area, with two bedrooms on each wall. I stumbled out of my room, feeling absolutely awful, trying to find Louis. I was walking through the living area when I caught my pinkie toe on the leg of the couch. It felt like the skin ripped apart, but I didn't dare check, knowing that I would have to turn the lights on. Louis had stopped coughing, but I knew that I should still check on him. I stepped in something wet, and I realized that I was bleeding. Shit. My migraine was agonizing and now I was bleeding. I stumbled back into my room, and used my phone flashlight to see that the skin between my pinkie and fourth toe had ripped open. I was still bleeding, so I grabbed a band-aid from my bag and put it on. It helped stop the bleeding, and I walked back over to Louis' room.
Li: lou?
Lou: yeah
Li: you okay?
Lou: yeah i guess. Can you get me some cough medicine?
Li: course
I walked over to his bag and felt in his bag for some meds.
Lou: you can turn the light on. I don't mind
Li: it's okay
Lou: seriously it's fine
Li: I found it.
I realized I would have to read how much he needed. Everything was blurry, and I knew I couldn't read so I just eyeballed it. Hopefully he wouldn't get high off of cough medicine.
Lou: thanks
Li: mmhmmm
Lou: i'll see you in the morning Payno
Li: hmm - i hummed
I started the long ass journey back to my bed. Everything started spinning and I realized I wouldn't make it, so I took a break on the couch. I sat there, dozing off. I woke up 3 hours later, and I started back to my room. I closed the curtains, turned all of the lights off, and shoved my head under my pillow, trying to fall back asleep. I closed my eyes and finally my breathing evened out. I woke up and I could tell it was late. Although they were blackout curtains there was a slight glow of daylight falling into my room. I heard the kettle whistle and then some more coughing. My head was somehow worse now, but I knew someone should be watching over Louis.
Lou: hey sleepyhead - he croaked out
Li: hey - i whispered
Lou: Well I now have a bloody cold, so wanna just stay in today?
Li: yes please - i said quietly
Lou: why are you whispering? Don't tell me you caught this thing too
Li: no I didn't catch anything.
Lou: movie?
Li: Toy story 2?
Lou: course
I sat down on the couch, and the movie started. I watched about half of it before closing my eyes and dozing off again. When I woke up, I saw Louis watching Ant Man and the Wasp.
Lou: Jesus Liam you've been sleeping forever. I've watched three movies
Li: sorry - i said eyes closing again
Lou: you might be getting sick. You never sleep this much
Li: yeah. I'm gonna go get some Advil
Lou: okay
I stood up off the couch and immediately started swaying. I could see the blacknees clouding my vision.
Li: f-faint - i said shakily
Lou: WHAT?
And then nothing. I woke up in my own bed, in the dark. Maybe it was all a fucked up dream. Luckily my headache was barely there, and one Advil would knock it out. I took one and then stumbled out into the kitchen for some water. As I was drinking I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Louis with his phone up and a scared look on his face.
Lou: oh god Liam I was about to call the cops
Li: sorry. Water
Lou: Are you feeling okay? You scared the shit outta me.
Li: sorry
Lou: what happened?
H: Lou what's going on?
Li: harry?
Lou: well yeah you kinda passed out on me
Li: I did? Oh right - i said as the memories flooded back
H: lou?
Lou: it's okay Haz, just Liam
He stumbled out of their room clumsily and walked over to us
H: oh good you're awake
Lou: mind filling us in
Li: went to bed with a migraine, woke up and it got worse. Watched a movie, fell asleep. I woke up feeling worse and then got up for meds. Then I passed out
Lou: why didn't you tell me?
Li: I don't know. You aren't well either
H: what? - he said angrily
Lou: damn it Liam
H: louis william tomlinson!
Li: It's just a cold Haz. He'll be fine
Lou: i'm fine
H: okay well I'm exhausted so I'm going to sleep, and you sickie are joining me
Li: Thanks for coming out, Haz.
H: course
I finished my water and walked back to my room. I fell asleep again and woke up feeling much better. Louis was fine after 2 days of rest, and the three of us attended the awards and had a blast!

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