Niall's Sick. Harry?

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Niall has had an awful flu bug for the last two days, and the boys all knew it would last a least a week. He could keep water down, but any food made a reappearance within the hour. Unfortunately it was also spring. Harry knew it was only a matter of time before his allergies started acting up, leading him to be miserable. So when he woke up that morning with a stuffy nose and itchy eyes, he knew he had a rough day ahead. Normally allergies drained him, leaving him with no energy left but the boys were at least sympathetic.


He sneezed once, starting a string of at least 5 more following. Ugh. He needed some medicine to hopefully stop this mess. He pulled himself out of bed lethargically and walked downstairs to see Liam, Niall, and Louis passed out on the couches in the family room. He quietly walked into the kitchen trying to find the medicine. Well he was trying to be quiet but he fell into another sneezing fit, before coughing for ages. He was still coughing when Liam came in.

"choking on some water Haz?" Liam asked

Harry shook his head trying to get air in. After another minute he looked up to see he was alone. He grabbed the allergy meds, some cough drops, and some tissues and trudged back up to his room.

"Really Haz? I know we've been giving Niall some more attention, but faking just for attention is weak" Louis asked condescendingly

"What?" harry's voice cracked and tears filled his already watering eyes

"Ni is really sick and you just want sympathy" Louis continued

Harry just continued up the flight of stairs to his room, and once he got there he started coughing again. It hurt so much, the tears fell from his eyes. He finally stopped and he curled up in bed feeling bad for himself, and bad in general. He tried to fall asleep, but he kept falling into sneezing and coughing fits. Louis even came up once asking him to keep it down, cause Niall was trying to sleep. The minute he left Harry started crying again. He wasn't sure why he was so emotional, but he was left confused. Why didn't they believe me? He started coughing again, but this time it rattled slightly in his chest. He knew that wasn't a good sign, so he started the long trek to the medicine, to get some more, and his inhaler. It took him a good 15 minutes to get down the stairs without falling.

"Haz please cut it out. We caught you." Liam rolled his eyes

"yeah and you've done nothing to help Niall. Why don't you give Li and I some time to catch up on sleep." Louis added

Harry just nodded knowing they'd leave him alone. The others left and he flopped down on the couch and started coughing again. He couldn't stop and it was really starting to rattle around in his chest.

"that doesn't sound good Haz" Niall murmured

"sorry, I didn't mean to wake you"

"you okay?" Niall asked


Harry didn't mean to be rude, but Niall would probably get just as angry with him anyway and he couldn't deal with getting told off again. He fell asleep soon after that conversation, only to be awoken by Louis shouting at him.


He felt the tears prick his eyes and he just started sobbing. Tears were falling and he started hyperventilating. He was trying but the air wasn't coming in. He started coughing again and it sounded like he was barking. It was loud and painful. He was staring at the carpet between his knees trying to focus on something, while his lungs started burning, and his chest tightened. He knew he needed his inhaler. He would stop coughing for about a minute before it would start up again worse. This happened about 3 times before he felt the inhaler in his mouth and the albuterol coming in in puffs. He started breathing again and he looked up seeing Liam's panicked face. He looked as pale as if I'd just grown horns.

"Haz?" Liam asked cautiously

"what?" he tried to say angrily but he just sounded exhausted

"Are you okay?" Louis asked, looking guilty

"why don't you just make sure Niall's okay, cause I'm just so fucking useless" Harry said lowly but still bitter.

He started sneezing again and he grabbed a tissue before letting out a flurry of around 19 sneezes. He shakily tried getting up before Liam's forceful hand pushed him gently back onto the couch.

"nope. You are staying right here and resting after that." Liam muttered

Harry shook his head "no. I can't be here"

"why not?" Liam asked

"it's gonna happen again if I stay here" he murmured scared

"what?" Liam asked confused

"I-i think I had a panic attack. I was hyperventilating before the asthma attack and if I stay here it's going to happen again. I'm- I- I really just need space.

"haz" Louis said sadly

"do you want me to help you to your room?" Liam offered

Harry nodded and he was carried up to his room. Liam left right after he got situated. Harry kept a grudge for the next day, but after he saw how guilty they were, he forgave them. And he still felt like crap and he needed some help. 

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