Harry Fever

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A/N: This is for ilangel1 and I really hope she likes it. It's a bit longer than my other ones, but I think it's pretty good. Happy reading everyone!

Harry had gone to bed early last night at around 8:30. Louis wasn't too concerned because he looked bloody exhausted and being a pop-star can do that to you, but now at 12:00pm he was getting concerned. Harry has a body clock that wakes him up at 9:00 am usually, but he was still asleep. That's almost 16 hours! Louis had already showered, gotten dressed, made breakfast, cleaned, watched a movie, and was about to go out and meet the lads for some lunch. He knew something wasn't right, and if everything was fine, his excuse for waking him up would be 'I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to lunch with me and the lads.' He walked into their shared bedroom to see his beautiful husband pale and shaking.

"shit" Louis muttered

He could see the bags under his eyes. Didn't he sleep? Louis slowly kissed his temple and forehead. Wait, he's boiling. Damn it. He put the back of his hand on Harry's forehead and felt a raging fever. No wonder he was so exhausted last night. He gently shook Harry awake, but he just groaned and rolled over. Louis knew this would be quite difficult, but if he was only going to sleep, could he still go out? Then he realized just how selfish that sounded, and he grabbed his phone. Texted "the boys" group chat with a simple message saying 'can't go out today. Harry's ill. Sorry mates. Feel free to enjoy lunch without us!' and sent it off. He placed his phone on the bedside table quietly not trying to wake him, but then a loud buzz sound rang throughout the house and was followed by more quick vibrations. He quickly grabbed it, but it was too late. Harry was already rubbing his eyes and groaning.

"Is he okay?"

Came Liam's worried voice over the speaker

"well he was, but the loud vibrations from my phone woke him up" Louis said flatly

"oops, sorry mate" Liam apologized

"it's fine, but he haven't talked to him yet so I'm not even sure whats wrong" Louis said

"how'd you know he's ill then?" Liam asked and Louis could sense his furrowed brow

"pale, shivering, and a raging fever" Louis listed off the symptoms he could already see

Liam clicked his tongue "aww poor Haz"

"yeah. Hopefully it's over soon, and management won't kill us" Louis chuckled

"I hope! Bye mate! Tell Hazza I hope he feels better"

Louis agreed and hung up before looking back over at Harry. He was just staring off into space. His eyes were red and glassed over. Their beautiful green dull and glazed.

"hazza? You okay love?" louis asked

"My s-stomach's killing me, and i-i'm freezing"

"aww darling. Let me get some medicine for you."

Harry had told Lou he was going to sleep at 8:30 last night, but didn't actually fall asleep until he came in at midnight. Then he woke up at 4:26am to a wave of nausea and a rolling in his stomach. He tried to sleep it off, but waking up he realized the nausea had only grown. He watched as Louis walked out of the room, but after only another minute or so, he felt the bile and stomach acid at the back of his throat. He tried so hard to wait for Louis, and maybe a bin, but he only lasted about 30 seconds before puking all over the bed. Round after round burning the back of his throat, and leaving a rancid taste in his mouth. He leaned back against the headboard and shut his eyes. he heard Louis walk back in, but he didn't make any moves to show him he was awake

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