Niall (dry drowning)

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A/N: no Zayn in this one

T/W: Panic Attack

The boys had gotten back to LA from a break early last week and they were just about to get back to their hectic schedule. They had the weekend left to enjoy and they were using it to it's full extent. They had stayed up until 2:30 am on Thursday and Friday night and it was really affecting Niall. He had been trying to go to sleep earlier, because his body clock had been waking him up at 4:45, technically 7:45 in Mullingar. So it was no surprise to him when he found himself awake at 4:44 again. He just laid there looking at the ceiling. Around 5:30 he grabbed his glass of water off of the nightstand and took a big swig, but instead he inhaled it. He started choking and dropped the glass on the ground. It shattered into pieces, but Niall was more focused on his breathing. The water seemed to have traveled into his lungs, as he was coughing up more and more liquid. It burned and they coughs shook his entire body each time. He was still in this awfully rough fit, when Liam came busting down the door. Niall kept coughing, trying to get all of the water out.

"when you were complaining about going to bed, I didn't even think about you not feeling well" Liam muttered

He tried to respond, but it led to more coughing.

Liam clicked his tongue in sympathy "aww Ni. You must feel really poorly"

He stayed coughing for the next few minutes until he finally could get a breath in. Liam was patting his back roughly 

"damn Ni I was about to get Harry's inhaler"

"sorry" Niall croaked out

His throat and chest were super sore

"it's okay Ni"

"can I sleep?" Niall whispered, feeling exhausted after the long coughing episode

"sure" Liam said getting up

"be careful" Niall said sleepily 


"I dropped the glass of water, when I tried to drink"

Liam looked at the glass on the floor "aww Ni. I'll clean it up. Just get some rest"

"mhmmm" Niall hummed, already drifting off

Niall felt bad about letting Liam think he was sick but after waking up he felt sick too. He was still tired, panting, and his chest hurt. He started coughing again, and Liam ran back in, with Louis and Harry on his tail.

Harry smiled sadly "hey Ni. How you feelin?"

"crap" niall croaked

"alright, symptoms. Go!"

"tired, coughing, hard to breathe, k-kinda chilly"

"It's probably just the flu or a chesty cold" Louis said

"yeah i guess" Niall snapped

"Are you mad?" liam questioned

"yeah sorry" Niall said, tears forming 

"Ni what's going on? You feeling bad?" Harry asked

"you feel warm Ni" Liam said, hand touching along my face

Louis nodded "you do look a bit paler too"


"Ni he wasn't making fun of you, he was just pointing it out. It's okay" Liam said

"whatever" Niall sighed, going back to sleep.

The boys stayed in Niall's room just in case, a little bit worried about his weird mood swings.


"Ni? You okay?" Liam asked, seeing Niall sit up and look around

Niall's brows furrowed "what? Where am I?"

"you're in our London house. You're not feeling well?" Harry answered cautiously

"Who am I?" Niall said

The boys started to get really anxious.

"umm Niall Horan" Louis said worriedly

"One Direction?" he said confusedly 

Harry nodded "yeah that's the name of our band"

"I can't really breathe" Niall panted

"what?" Liam said, very concerned

"hurts" he coughed out with a hand on his chest

Liam started directing the others "alright Lou call 911, Haz get your inhaler, Ni just try and take deep breaths for me"

Suddenly Niall turned and vomited all over the bed next to him. Liam tried to calm him down as he continued to empty his stomach. Louis came running back in, saying the ambulance was 5 minutes away, which was great. About 2 minutes later Niall's breaths sounded like whistling. It was high pitched and shallow. They tried to use the inhaler, but it didn't do anything to help at all. A slight blue tint covered his face and Harry started to panic. They could hear the sirens blaring down the street. The EMT's ran burst through the door and into the bedroom. Niall was thrown onto a stretcher and an oxygen mask was put on his mouth and nose, before they ran out the door. The other three all hurried to the car, and Louis drove. After his music video history, he was rarely allowed to drive. He only drove because no one else could. Harry was sobbing uncontrollably and Liam was one step away from a full-blown panic attack. His hands were shaking and he was panting, trying to regain my breathing. He tried to slow his breathing on his own, but suddenly the car stopped and they were already at the hospital. Liam was led to the waiting room chair, and lost it. He started hyperventilating and freaking the fuck out.

"alright follow my breathing" Louis coached

Liam could hear him try to coach pull him out of the attack, but all he could think about was that god awful wheezing, that was Niall's breaths. He leaned his head on Louis' shoulder, trying to feel safe and that's how he fell asleep, after wearing myself out. He woke up in a different room, listening to Louis' shocked voice.


"what"  Liam said groggily

The doctor stepped forward "Your friend was suffering from secondary drowning, or dry drowning. It means, somehow water got into his lungs, leading him to get sick quite quickly. Luckily, you called right before it got too bad. If you had waited even 30 minutes his condition would've been fatal."

"So how do you think it happened? We always shower, we haven't been near any large bodies of water, and we haven't been to a pool in ages." Harry asked

"sometimes, it's as simple as choking on water, but if it goes down the wrong pipe, it can go straight into the lungs" the doctor explained

"the glass" Liam muttered

Louis turned around "what?"

Liam explained "nothing, just last night I found him coughing a ton. He seemed really tired, and then right before I left, he told me to be careful because he dropped the glass. I just figured he was sick, but maybe he was choking."

The doctor nodded "that sounds very likely. He'll be given a nebulizer in case the coughing comes back, or he has trouble breathing. Do any of you have asthma?"

Harry raised his hand "that would be me"

"alright, so it's the same as a breathing treatment, just portable" 

Louis smiled "okay perfect. Thank you doctor"

After sitting for, what felt like ages, Niall started stirring. He opened his eyes, and he looked almost completely better.

"hi" he whispered

Liam squeezed his hand "please don't scare us like that ever again"

Louis agreed "yeah mate that was fucking terrifying"

"we love you Nialler" Harry smiled

"love you too" 

After 2 at home breathing treatments, Niall was back to 100%

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