Oh Payno Come On Lad

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Management had been all over us boys lately, making sure every detail was perfect. We had been doing our best, but being treated like animals was constantly demeaning. We only got a set number of bathroom breaks and a 20 minute lunch. It had been five days of this, and finally someone had fallen. Niall woke up sick and couldn't spend more than 5 minutes away from the toilet. Management let Harry stay with him, but called in the rest of us to keep working. After three days, Niall was fine and Harry had caught it. Niall couldn't miss anymore work so Louis ended up staying with him. The cycle continued and finally all 5 of us had had it and were done with the annoying sickness. Now we had two weeks until the tour started, but they still had us working around. All five of us had been at the studio since 4:30 in the morning and we were all grumpy. I knew that we all needed a break, but management didn't seem to care in the slightest. 

8:00 AM

The pressure that had been building up behind my eyes, was now a full blown headache. I felt really hot and this headache was going to make this day so much worse. We were told we had to run through a complete concert. We started with the rock section including a bunch of loud songs. At least 5 songs, meaning at least 20 minutes. I was sweating a ton, and afterward my headache was worse and I really had to pee, so I left quickly and ran back onto the stage. I downed a bottle of water and continued.

10:00 AM

My headache was worse now and I was slowing down. I made it to the "end of the fake concert" and we finished with Best Song Ever. After the song we walked into a conference room. The five of us sat down and two members of management started talking.

11:45 AM

The meeting had just taken one of the shortest breaks for a small lunch and I was starving. I quickly ate a sandwich and drank half a bottle of water, before walking over to a couch in the corner of the room. I laid down and closed my eyes, trying to sleep off my tiresome headache. Before I knew it, Louis was shaking me awake and telling me it was time for the meeting to continue.

1:00 PM

The meeting was over halfway over and I was so grateful. They were letting us leave at 3:00pm, and I was counting down the minutes. I really had to pee again, but I had used all of my breaks and I knew they'd tell me off if I left.

1:58 PM

I had sat as long as I could, before stating I needed the toilet. Management said no, but I told them it was an emergency. The woman rolled her eyes and nodded her head toward the door. I mumbled a quick thanks and ran towards the toilets. I felt like my bladder was going to explode, but when I got there I barely had anything left in me. Almost nothing came out. I groaned and washed my hands, before throwing water on my face. I walked sluggishly back to the room and plopped down into my chair.

3:15 PM

The meeting finally ended and we were all quite grumpy that it ran overtime. We all piled into the car and went home. We sat on the couch and started a movie.

4:12 PM

My phone bleeped and I saw that it was Simon ringing. I got up and walked into the kitchen and hit the answer button.

Si: Liam we need you lads back to record some new songs

Li: simon this is not okay. We need breaks occasionally

Si: Liam get here now!

He hung up the phone and I walked back into the living room, glum.

Ni: what happened Li?

Li: we have to go back in

Lou: that isn't funny

Li: it's fucking isn't - i sighed

The other boys looked at me astonished. I never cursed, and I even told the boys off for cursing occasionally. After their shock wore off we all got ready and hopped back into the car. We immediately started recording. I reached for a bottle of water, but someone from management snapped at me.

Worker: NO! You've been peeing too much. Stop drinking

Lou: don't tell him he can't drink. Are you trying to kill us

Li: it's fine - i mumbled

7:00 PM

It had been a long ass day, and we still weren't done. They promised we could leave at 9:00, but none of us believed them. I still had an annoying headache and I just wanted to sleep it off. Little did I know my wish was about to come true. We got a short break while they cut together the music for the next song. My head was in my hands and I was using my middle finger and thumb to massage my temples.

H: you okay Li?

Li: mmhmm - i hummed

Z: what's wrong?

Li: head hurts

Ni: okay, how bad?

Li: i'll be fine - i muttered

I hated lying to the boys, but I also didn't want them to worry about me. I didn't lie when I said I'd be fine, it would just take a bit. The boys quieted down after that, trying to help my headache but I knew it wouldn't do much. At 7:30 we were called back into the booth to record.

8:00 PM

I stumbled out of the booth, but before I made it to the couch I stopped dead in my tracks.

Lou: Li? Payno?

Li: i- s-something n-not r-right

Suddenly the room started to spin sickeningly.

Li: oh god

Z: liam you're swaying. What's going on?

Li: i-

I felt myself falling and then everything went black. I woke up again, and sat up quickly. It was dark and there was an incessant beeping going on. I looked around as my eyes got adjusted and saw the four white walls of a hospital room. I had a needle in the back of my hand and I really had to pee. I pressed the nurse button, and soon a nice woman ran into the room.

Li: i really need the toilet

Nurse: alright, let me help you up

She guided me to the bathroom and back.

Li: my friends?

Nurse: they're in the waiting room. Should I wake them up?

Li: when can I leave

Nurse: after we re-check your vitals, but I think you should be fine

Li: alright

After she checked me she woke the boys up and brought them into the room.

Nurse: alright, Mr. Payne was severely dehydrated and needs at least a weeks rest.

Ni: we go on tour in 11 days

Nurse: okay well I'll write you a note and you five need to rest until then. We don't need anymore fainting

Z: sounds okay

Ni: it's better than okay Zack, it's award winning

We all started laughing our asses off. I had tears leaking down my face, and although it wasn't that funny, it was late and we were all delirious. The lads helped me to the car and back to the house. I made it to my room, and fell asleep quickly. I woke up at 1:45pm the next day and felt refreshed. The boys and I relaxed for the next week and were more than prepared for tour. 

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