Larry (Louis) Part 2

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Louis crashed quickly and resumed the soft snores that Harry had heard only an hour ago. Harry had stopped running his hand through Louis' hair so he could eat the soup that Louis declined. Harry put the empty plastic bowl back on the nightstand so he could remember the brand. It was the best pre-made soup he'd had in a while. He put the first Avengers movie on and turned the volume down low so there was a slight hum in the background. He scrolled along twitter for a while and even replied to a few fans but Louis was still sleeping. Suddenly Louis' phone started buzzing on his nightstand making the buzz louder and waking Louis in the process.

"Shhh baby go back to sleep. I got the phone" Harry whispered. He jogged over to Louis' side before the phone stopped ringing and picked it up. He answered before looking at the ID and stood next to Louis. Louis was looking up at Harry on the phone.

H: hello?

"Hey it's Liam. Where's Lou?"

H: can I call you back in a minute

Li: course

Harry hung up and put Louis' phone on the carpet beside their bed so the buzz wouldn't wake him up again.

"Go back to sleep baby"

Louis flipped onto his stomach and Harry took his freshly painted nails up and down Louis' back. Louis moaned in pleasure from the feeling and finally let his muscles relax. He was asleep in minutes and Harry took this time to call Liam back on his own phone.

Li: hi

H: hey what's up

Li: I just had a song idea and I need someone to bounce it off of. Niall is golfing and Zayn wouldn't answer.

H: Well I'm busy too unfortunately. Stuck taking care of my sick husband

Li: oh damn. Well do you have a minute?

H: sure, he's asleep for now

Harry helped Liam out and then they said their goodbyes. He checked the clock and saw that it was 5:15 pm already. He'd eaten that soup around 3:30 so he wasn't particularly hungry and Louis probably wouldn't fancy dinner anyway so Harry threw his routine out of the window. Suddenly he heard the unmistakable sound of retching coming from his bedroom and he went back in.

"Oh baby" Harry whispered, his voice laced in sympathy. Louis was red faced and panting, trying to catch his breath again. His eyes started watering and Harry realized he must've felt guilty for being sick on the carpet.

"Let's move to the bathroom yeah?"

Louis just nodded and let Harry guide him to their ensuite. He took off Louis' sweaty top and sat him in front of the toilet. Harry noticed the way Louis was squinting in the light and new for sure that this was a migraine. He flicked the light off and bent down to Louis' level.

"I'll be right back hun, just gotta clean" he whispered

Harry grabbed the cleaning supplies from under the sink and moved back to the puddle on the carpet. Harry can't say it was the most enjoyable way to spend your evening but he just needed to make sure Louis was okay. He didn't hear anything from the bathroom the entire time he was cleaning and while at first he wasn't paying attention, as soon as he noticed he became anxious. He rushed to finish cleaning and got back to the bathroom quickly. Louis was shivering on the floor and staring at the floor. Harry could tell he was out of it and he knew he should check his temperature again.

"Just gonna grab the thermometer, be right back baby"

Louis looked up at him and blinked, but no response. He jogged to the thermometer and back but Louis was just staring at the space where Harry was a minute ago. That was only adding to Harry's anxiety but he calmly brushed Louis' fringe back and put the thermometer in his ear. It beeped quickly signaling the temperature was higher than normal. 39.6 high to be exact (103.2).

"You're running really high baby. How 'bout a bath hmmm?" Harry didn't even wait for a response knowing there wouldn't be one. He ran the bath lukewarm but on the cold side and stripped Louis down. He helped Louis into the bath and splashed the cool water on his chest. Harry was going to wash his hair to help him relax but he could tell Louis was dying to sleep so he left him be. Louis seemed to be getting some color back into his pale face and he was getting more alert.

"Welcome back to the land of the living baby" harry joked

Louis smiled back lazily but it looked like more of a grimace.

"Can I go back to sleep Haz?" "Course baby"

Harry helped dry him off and get dressed again.

"Back to bed with you sickie" harry whispered

He led Louis back to bed and hopped in with him. Sure it was only 7:00 but being sick and taking care of someone sick can be tiring and neither one of them we're going to complain about an early night in.

Louis woke up around 8:00 am and Harry was still sleeping soundly next to him. He felt so much better and he decided he would go pick up coffee and breakfast for his beautiful caretaker. 

This one is short too but I like writing like this better anyway so the next one will probably be super long. it's for @Marvel6555 :) TPWK, i love you, and I'm proud of you

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