Harry - allergies - Larry

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When Louis got home from work he sensed something was off with Harry but he couldn't quite figure it out. He continued periodically asking Harry if everything was okay until...

"You sure you're okay babe?"

"Fuck Louis I'm fine, what do you want from me?" Harry snapped

So now they were sitting in silence watching The Avengers on opposite sides of the couch. Louis was concerned and Harry was just scratching his nose incessantly. Louis furrowed his brow in confusion. Suddenly Harry turned away from him and let out three sneezes into his hands. It hit Louis like a smack in the face. The pollen had just exploded all over London. He'd seen it when he was out for a run this morning and it even made him a little sneezy. Harry had been struggling with his allergies all night and kept it to himself.

"Tissue?" Louis asked, handing Harry the box

Harry took it and sighed "I just d-didn't want you to w-wor"

His breath hitched and his face screwed up in a pre-sneeze face. Louis stayed silent. Harry was known for losing his sneezes, just leaving him itchy. Harry broke away into a flurry of sneezes in the crook of his hoodie. He sat back up and sniffed sadly.

"Want me to get your meds baby?" Louis offered

Harry nodded and sneezed another double into his hands. Louis smiled at him warmly and hopped up off the couch. He grabbed Harry's meds from the bathroom cabinet and a glass of water before walking back and handing them over to Harry.

"Thanks" harry whispered

They finished the movie and Louis led a sleepy Harry up to bed. They both changed into PJ's and hopped into bed.

"G'night Hazza"

"Night Lou"


Louis' eyes shot open and he groaned, looking around. The bathroom light was on and he could clearly hear Harry sneezing roughly behind the door. Louis got up and pulled open the door slightly.

"hun?" louis said surprised

Harry looked awful. His eyes were sunken in bright purple bags underneath. The whites of his eyes red and watering, his nose was raw and running and his cheeks were flushed. He looked at Louis for a minute before snapping away again and resuming his sneezing fit. Louis rubbed his back, not sure how else to help. When Harry finally stood back up, he had tears running down his face.

"How 'bout a shower hmmm? It'll get all those allergens off and hopefully clear you up" Louis suggested

Harry nodded and began to strip so Louis followed in suit. Louis got in the shower behind him and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm sorry you feel lousy hun" louis whispered

Harry whimpered and let the hot water wash over him. After 45 minutes and 30 sneezes (minimum) Louis helped Harry out and wrapped him in a towel.

"Alright let's take some cold medicine because the allergy meds aren't working."

Harry nodded and downed the two pills Louis handed him before snorting some flonase (a nasal medicine I took as a kid but I don't know how common it is)

"To bed with you sneezy"

Louis and Harry got into bed and Louis cuddled up behind Harry, spooning him. They both slept throughout the rest of the night and even slept in a little bit. When Louis woke up, Harry was snoring in bed beside him. He went downstairs and made food, also checking his phone. He had 2 missed calls from Liam so he called him back.

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