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We had a meet and greet yesterday, and I had so much fun. All of the screaming teenagers, and even some enthusiastic mums. Unfortunately it was common for people to come, even when they were unwell. Sometimes fans would come with migraines, allergies, period cramps, the lot. Other times it would be illnesses that we could catch, like a cold or the stomach flu. This time was a bit different. I was only allergic to cats, so I have only had 2 allergic reactions in my life. I simply learned to stay away from cats and that was that. I hadn't told the boys about my allergies, so when I woke up and my eyes were watering I groaned. Did they buy a fucking cat? The watery eyes were normally accompanied by sneezing, sniffling, coughing, headache, and itchiness. As soon as I went over those symptoms in my head my eye got really itchy. I started rubbing it violently, alternating between the back of my hand and my fist. After the itching subsided to a dull sensation, I got up to shower. When I walked into the bathroom, I took a look in the mirror. The eye that I had just scratched at was red, swollen, itchy, and watering. I got into the shower, and finished quickly so I could get comfy again. After meet and greets we were allowed a day off. I was thanking the lord, as I got into a t-shirt and sweats. I felt my nose twitch and I sneezed a strong triple into my elbow. Fuck, they bought a cat. I blew my nose, and after reopening my eyes, I realized the same one from earlier, couldn't see. It wasn't completely black, but everything was blurry. I stumbled downstairs and flopped onto the couch. I sneezed again and received a 'bless you' from the kitchen. I realized I didn't really want to be alone, so I stumbled over into the kitchen.

Li: uhh you okay?

Ni: i don't really know

Li: you don't look well

Ni: yeah

Li: what's up?

Ni: this might sound really weird, but did we *hetchoo* get a cat?

Li: umm no?

Ugh. What is this if it's not allergies? Maybe I developed a new one. My eye started itching again, so I rubbed it vigorously.

Li: you allergic to something?

Ni: only cats. That's why I asked

Li: maybe now you're allergic to something else

Lou: ni? You okay?

Li: You and Haz didn't get a cat did you?

Lou: no? Why?

Li: Niall's having an allergic reaction to something

Ni: fuck it burns - i said feeling a stinging pain in my eye

Lou: that's not a normal allergy feeling

Ni: damn it *hetchoo*

Li: Maybe we should take you to a doctor. I have a weird feeling that this isn't normal

Ni: i'm fine. It must be the laundry detergent or something

H: damn ni yoooooooou look like hell - he said while yawning

Lou: You should let Li take you Nialler. Don't want it to get worse

H: take him where?

Li: doctor

Ni: i'm *hetchoo* fine

Lou: that was really convincing Nialler

Li: I'll call and make an appointment

Ni: whatever.

I walked back out to the couch and fell asleep. When I woke up I couldn't open my eye. I stumbled into the bathroom, half blind, and saw a white, pus like liquid dried on my eye. I took a baby wipe from the counter and wiped it off. I could open my eye, but when I did the whole thing was red and I immediately shut it again. It was kind of scary to look at. I sneezed another double into my elbow and groaned. 

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