Zayn and Ashton

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The lads were all out at a club that night, partying, dancing, and drinking. A lot. Well most of them were drinking but Harry was the designated driver so he was sipping his 3rd club soda. Louis, Niall, and Liam were all 5 drinks in at least with the stumble in their step and the prominent glaze over their eyes. Zayn however had a pounding headache and he honestly wasn't having a good time so he was slowly sipping his first beer still. He was sitting in the booth, watching the other four dance and making sure no one touched their drinks. He pulled out his phone to text someone to come get him, but he wasn't even sure who to ask. They'd been there for 3 hours when Zayn's headache reached a peak. He walked over to Harry.
"Gonna take a piss, watch the drinks" And walked off
He made his way to the mens bathroom and kicked open a stall before his lunch made a reappearance. His mouth tasted gross and he felt even worse. He decided he was gonna find someone, anyone, in his phone to come get him. He was miserable. He walked back to the table and grabbed his phone, telling Harry he wanted some fresh air, and walked outside. He scrolled through his contacts and realized the drummer of their opening band could drive. It was also 2 am and he felt a little bad about it but he pressed the call button anyway. "Zayn?" came sleepily over the speaker
Zayn bit his lip, feeling guilty
"hey Ash. i know it's late but if you could come get me. I'm at this club with the lads and I'm really sorry but I just ne-"
"Zayn shhh. Of course I'll come get you"
Zayn let out a sigh of relief
"thank you"
"Send me the address and I'll be there as soon as I can"
"Thank you so much Ashton."
Zayn hung up and sat on the curb miserably, sending Ashton the address. He should probably go tell Harry that he's leaving but he really couldn't go back inside so he settled with texting him.
'I'm outside on the curb. Ashton Irwin's coming to get me, sorry to ditch'
He thought that sounded good enough and sent it. Only minutes later he got two texts back.
'On my way mate' from Ashton and 'you okay?' from Harry
He sent back a thumbs up to both and put his head in his hands. The hotel they were staying at was only minutes away but it felt like Ashton was surely taking his time. Zayn couldn't even acknowledge his surroundings with the pounding in his head and the swirling in his stomach. He didn't even notice Ashton pulling up until his hand was on Zayn's back.
"I just thought you just wanted to go home, but you don't look so good"
Zayn couldn't answer Ashton's worried question because he suddenly hiccuped and felt warmth spread in his chest. He grabbed the door handle of Ashton's car and leaned over, emptying his stomach again.
"Woah mate what's going on?" Ashton asked, rubbing Zayn's back
Zayn wiped his mouth with the back of his hand "f-feel s-sick"
"I can see that" Ashton mumbled "Are you drunk?"
Zayn shook his head.
"Alright well let's just get you back to the hotel and we'll sort things out from there"
Ashton helped Zayn into the passenger seat and pulled out a kroger bag from the backseat. Zayn opened it shakily and held it in his lap, staring into it. Ashton stayed quiet for the drive, noticing Zayn wincing constantly, but he kept looking over worried. They finally made it to the hotel 15 minutes later and Ashton rushed to Zayn's side to help him. He wrapped an arm around Zayn's shoulder and helped him to the elevator. Zayn stumbled into the wall and slid down it tiredly. Ashton felt so bad for him and, even as exhausted as he was, grabbed him by the waist and lifted him up.
"We're almost there Zayn, just hold on" Ashton reassured
The elevator made a stop two floors below their destination and an older woman hopped on. When it jolted back to life, Zayn opened the bag and gagged over it. The woman looked back in shock and hurried to get off on the next floor which led to another gag and sweat breaking out over Zayn's entire body. When they made it up to their floor, Ashton realized Zayn definitely didn't have a key, so he took him to his room. When they opened the door the stream of light hit Calum's face and he groaned. Zayn wiggled out of Ashton's grasp and sprinted for their ensuite. He slammed the door loudly and Calum jolted upright. Zayn gagged loudly and Ashton cringed as the sound of him puking again echoed through the room.
"YOU OKAY ASH?" Calum yelled
"I'm fine Cal, go back to sleep" Ashton whispered from the corner of the room.
Calum's head snapped over and he flicked his gaze between the bathroom and Ashton before shaking his head in confusion.
"Zayn called not long ago from a club and he isn't well"
Calum took a sharp breath in "is he okay?"
Ashton opened his mouth to say something else but closed it and furrowed his brow.
"What?" Calum asked
Ashton put a finger to his lips and listened. It was quiet for a moment until a sob broke through. Ashton jogged over and opened the door to see Zayn shaking on the floor.
"Hey, hey" ashton soothed
Calum was standing in the doorway looking worried and Ashton looked up at him in distress. Ashton looked back at the crying boy in front of him
"What's wrong Z?"
"I w-want Liam" he whimpered
Calum perked up "I'll call him"
"He-" Zayn took a shuddery breath in "he's drunk off his ass"
Ashton looked sadly at Zayn before turning to Calum
"call Paul and have him bring the others back"
Zayn was shivering on the bathroom floor and Ashton knew he couldn't just leave him there.
"If you're done with the toilet you can come sleep in my bed Z"
Zayn nodded and smiled tiredly, so Ashton guided him over and placed the small bin next to him.
"There's a bin below you. Try to sleep"
Zayn nodded off fairly quickly and after things slowed down, Ashton could feel his eyes fluttering, his body yearning for sleep, but Calum wasn't back yet and he didn't want to take his bed. He was debating what to do when the hotel door opened. Calum walked in with Paul on his tail.
"Hey. Paul has a key to Zayn and Niall's room" Calum announced
Ashton yawned widely "he's already asleep, just let him be"
"Okay then let's let him sleep" Calum suggested motioning out of the room.
Ashton shook his head "i'm not leaving him"
"Ashton if you catch this we're screwed" Paul added
Ashton looked over at Zayn and back at Paul
"I wouldn't want to be alone"
"You're too good for this world Ash" Calum smiled through his tired features
"Cal you can sleep in Zayn's bed" Paul said authoritatively
Calum nodded "as long as Ashton takes mine"
They said their goodbyes and Ashton crawled into Calum's bed. He fell asleep in minutes, snoring away lightly. Somehow Zayn slept through the night but he woke up feeling so nauseous he couldn't move. It was only 8:00am and Ashton was still sleeping. He got up and started the short trip to the bathroom. He made it to the toilet, just as stars started littering his vision. He sat down and leaned his head in between his knees to clear it, before hiccuping warningly and moving over the toilet. He was there for almost 30 minutes, puking off and on, trying to calm himself down. Ashton slept through the first bit but after hearing the awful retching he rushed to Zayn's side.
"Nasty fever mate" Ashton sympathized
There was a knock on the door and the sound of a key card unlocking it.
"In here!" Ashton called out
Harry appeared in the doorway moments later, looking down at them.
"Mate you should've told me" Harry pouted "I just thought you weren't in the mood"
Zayn whimpered before pitching forward over the toilet again.
"We need to check your fever Zayn. You're super warm" Ashton murmured
Harry offered to go get a thermometer and Ashton said he was going to throw Zayn into a cool shower. Zayn whined about it at first but the minute the water touched his skin his muscles relaxed.
"That feels good" he moaned
When he got out of the shower he was much more alert and felt a little better. Harry took his temperature and it was 38.5 (101.4).
"Go back to sleep Zayn" Ashton soothed
Harry hummed in agreement "maybe you can sleep that fever off"
Zayn fell asleep again, and although it took longer it was still only minutes. Harry convinced Ashton to let Zayn sleep by allowing him to write a note that said 'call when you wake up -A'
Ashton took a breath of fresh air, relieved to leave the smell of vomit wafting through his room, but when Harry led him to the others, it smelled the exact same, if not worse.
"Louis and Liam are hungover so it's been fun" Harry explained
Ashton blinked away the dizziness and nodded. He swayed slowly and his hearing slowly started to fade, being replaced with ringing. He felt a hand on his shoulders and suddenly he was sitting down. Luke was staring at him, eyes wide.
"What the actual fuck is going on?"
Harry stepped in "Zayn's ill, Liam and Louis are hungover, and Ashton almost passed out. We're a hot mess. How are you?"
"What? Ash are you okay?" Michael asked
Ashton looked up and saw the other two members of his band staring at him too. Actually everyone was staring.
"I'm fine, just been up all night. I haven't eaten"
Harry offered to get lunch for everyone and before anyone responded, he'd grabbed his keys and left. ***
Everyone took turns checking in on Zayn but he slept all day. Liam and Louis were fine the next day but they couldn't say the same about the poor drummer. Ashton was found hovering over the toilet early that morning by Calum. Who simply comforted him and tried to make him feel better instead of saying 'i told you so' which Ashton was so grateful for. Zayn was sick for the next two days and Ashton, the next week but he didn't regret helping his friend.

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