Harry (cold)

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Harry was really excited to be filming the You & I music video. They were trying out some cool transitions and video effects that the techs have been messing with. All of the boys were at Liam's house running through the song, and drinking. They had four music videos for Midnight Memories that we had to film. This was the most they'd done for an album but they were halfway though the filming anyway. We had to film Midnight Memories, Story Of My Life, You & I, and Best Song Ever. They had already gotten the prompts and were most excited for the Best Song Ever shoot. They were all a bit shocked when that song got approved. It was obviously quite sexual, but it had a good beat and could easily be taken an innocent way, for the younger viewers. It was December 29th, so it was bloody freezing outside. They finished their drinks, and all retreated back to their own houses. Harry drove home and took a warm shower, before putting on some sweats and a sweatshirt. He curled up under his duvet and listened to the track once more, before going to sleep. When he woke up, he realized his alarm had been set for an hour later than he needed. He jumped up quickly and showered. He got dressed with a grey sweater and some black jeans, before grabbing an apple and his car keys. He rushed through the cold to the car and put the heat on. It took 30 minutes to drive to the pier from his house, but he didn't mind. The car was warm, and he could enjoy the radio. They started playing one of their songs from Take Me Home as he got closer and Harry smiled to himself.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, but bear this in mind it was meant to be

He relaxed into the music and just as he pulled up the song ended. He was hit with a rush of cold air as he got out of the car. When he got down the pier to the shoot site Lou Teasdale immediately ran up to him.


"didn't bring one?" he said in a question format


Harry grimaced "i'm sorry my alarm was late and I rushed out"

"haz you are going to be the death of me. Please find something warm so you don't freeze" she sighed


He walked over to see the crew everywhere. It was a pretty easy shoot, because all they had to do was walk, and be themselves. Liam was doing some reshoots, and Harry was shivering violently on the side. His nose and cheeks were bright red, and the rest of his face was ghostly pale. The other boys were about to do some tricks in front of the camera. Harry knew he needed to be there too, so makeup put some foundation on the flushed parts of my face and led him back to his mark. He continued to sing softly under his breath, instead of lip-sync, while Louis kicked around a ball. They were all just walking and suddenly Niall did a cartwheel. Harry could tell everyone was enjoying themselves, but he was absolutely freezing. As soon as the camera shut off he sneezed a triple into my elbow.

"bless you" Liam said

Harry sniffled thickly "thanks"

The director yelled for a 30 minute lunch, and so Harry just grabbed a bottle of water and walked slowly back to his car. He had an alarm set on his phone for 25 minutes, and he turned the heat back on. He relaxed as the warm air hit his skin. Unfortunately the warm air caused his nose to run. He continued to blow it, with a travel pack of tissues, but it didn't stop. He just sat, blowing his nose and sneezing for 25 minutes. After about 18 used tissues his alarm went off, and he started the walk back. The wind picked up, stinging his raw face. He sneezed again into his hands and continued walking. He finally made it back to the boys.

"where'd you go haz?" Louis asked

Harry's teeth chattered "m-my ca-car"

"why" Zayn asked, brows furrowed in confusion

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