Niall's got a cold and the boys have no sympathy

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Niall felt horrendous. That was the only word he could think of that properly conveyed just how awful he felt and of course this go around the boys were constantly taking the piss out of him. 

"It a little cold Nialler, grow up" 

"Do you just want sympathy cause I'm busy"

"It's 9:00 Ni you don't need to go to sleep yet"

Niall was tired of it. This cold was hitting him really hard and no one seemed to get that. His nose was running all the time but he couldn't breathe through it, his voice was practically gone, his throat hurt all the time, even breathing, his head was pounding, his sinuses were pounding, his muscles ached, and he had a low-grade fever that just left him feeling like shit all the time. The boys weren't helping at all and wouldn't even let him get meds when they were out saying "he was fine without spending $40 on stuff he didn't need" and it was pissing Niall off. He was laying in his bunk miserably, wishing they were at a hotel so at least he could avoid the boys a little bit easier. He rolled over in his bunk and felt the pain in his head spike. He moaned quietly and closed his eyes. He sniffed hard but nothing happened and he dropped his bottom lip to get some air in. Someone opened the door to the bunks and sighed before pulling Niall's curtain open.

"Come on Ni we have to write" Liam's accent pushed through "the album's due in a month"

Niall didn't move and prayed Liam would leave

"Niiii" Liam teased, holding out the vowel and shaking his shoulder

"Stop Li" he croaked painfully

"Get up lazy" Liam laughed before leaving to go back up to the front.

Niall felt like crying, plus Liam's shaking did nothing to help his agonizing headache. He sneezed a few times into his hands and threw his legs over the side of his bunk. He stumbled out of the bunk room and ignored the stares from his bandmates as he walked lethargically into the bathroom. He took a leak and then took his temperature. It was rising and now at 38.1 (100.6). He groaned and popped two pain killers and left. 

"Ready to work Ni?" Louis asked with a smirk present on his face 

"No just needed to wee. I'm going back to bed" he moaned

"Nope, come sit down" Liam said in his authoritative voice

Zayn patted the couch next to him. Niall could feel his legs shaking and he knew if he didn't sit they were going to give out. 

"There's the spirit" Harry smiled 

Niall turned his head away and started coughing roughly. His lungs were burning and the coughs wouldn't stop. Zayn hit him a few times on the back and it seemed to loosen everything up enough to stop the coughs. He looked back up with tears in his eyes to see everyone writing. He felt like no one cared. Like he was being annoying. He sneezed twice and his temple was stabbed with pain. He pushed his pointer into it roughly, turning the tip white, trying to help any of the pain going through his body. 

"I don't feel good" he whimpered to himself

Apparently he was louder than he thought because Zayn looked up at him confused. He winked at Niall and smiled before slamming his pen on his notebook. 

"Alright I can't focus" he spat "if he wants to sleep, let him go so we can write" 

"Whatever" Liam waved his hand in dismissal 

"I'll take him back there" Zayn softened

He stuck his arm out and Niall grabbed on to steady himself. Zayn led him past the bunks and into the back room with the tv. 

"Lay down Ni" Zayn whispered

Niall felt like crying again because ZAYN CARED AND HE KNEW IT AND HE WAS HURTING and so he did. Tears started falling and his breathing picked up. Zayn 'tsked' sympathetically and sat down next to Niall and pulled him into his chest. 

"Breath Ni" Zayn comforted

Zayn rubbed his arm up and down and "shhhh"ed him in the comforting way a mother does and Niall felt the safest he had in the past month. He practically melted under Zayn's touch and let his entire body relax. 

"Go to sleep Ni. you'll feel better soon"

Niall closed his eyes and sleep came quickly. After he was sleeping soundly Zayn slipped out and covered him with a blanket before returning to the others. 

"I just don't know why he's being so whiny about it" Harry grumbled 

"He's asleep" Zayn confirmed 

"Thank god" liam sighed

"Woah Li what?" zayn said surprised 

"What?" liam questioned

"You're acting like he's some annoying little kid. Let him be ill in peace" zayn defended 

"Yeah but he's acting like the annoying little kid with all the whining" louis added

"Shut up the both of you. He's feeling worse enough as it is" 

"What is your problem?" Harry asked 

"Right now you all are my problem"

The boys kept bickering with Zayn until they heard loud coughing from the back room. Zayn jumped up and rushed back there. Niall was sitting on the couch coughing roughly with tears streaming down his face. 

"Oh Ni" Zayn patted his back roughly to hopefully stop the coughing. 

"I d-don't feel well Z-zee"

"I know Nialler, I'm sorry" 

He leaned his head on Zayn's shoulder and the heat radiated through Zayn's shirt.

"Fuck Ni you're way too hot. We need to check your temperature" 

"It was 38.1 earlier" 

"You already had a fever and you didn't tell anyone? I'm so sorry bud"

Zayn rushed out and grabbed the thermometer from the bathroom counter. Liam looked up and locked eyes with Zayn and there he was. The Liam that actually gave a shit about his brothers. 

"fuck" he muttered before rushing back after Zayn

Niall was crying and hyperventilating. Zayn calmed him down again and Liam watched helplessly from the corner. He royally screwed up. Zayn stuck the thermometer under his tongue and waited for it to beep. He pulled it out and his eyes widened. 

"Ni it is not 38.1 it's 39.2 (102.6)" Zayn muttered concerned "we need to cool you down ASAP" 

Liam got up to help out and they took Niall to the tiny bus shower. They sprayed him with cold water and he slowly got more color to his face. Zayn got him dressed and helped him back to the back room. When they got there it was completely cleaned and set up nicely with meds and a bucket and a note. Louis, Liam, and Harry had gone out to get better meds to help Niall and that they were very sorry. Niall listened to Zayn read the note and he smiled tiredly. 

"Go to sleep Ni. we'll make them work for their apology when they get back"

Niall hummed in agreement and dozed off.

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