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We were in the van on the way to the Late Late Show set, to play a new game that James Corden had come up with. We walked in and heard the title of the game.

H: what the hell is that?

James: i'm not even sure Harry

Now we were in an intense game of tattoo roulette. Liam opened his box and he was safe. I honestly didn't care if I got the tattoo or not, I just hoped it wasn't Niall. He was panicking. I opened it and I was safe too. I looked over to see that the chances of Niall getting it were raising. James was safe, and now it was a 50/50 shot that Niall would get it. Harry opened his box and the word TATTOO was in big, red, block letters. I relaxed at the fact and walked over to hug Niall. The show cut to commercials and Harry walked over to the tattoo artist.

J: so boys, care to join me at my house tonight. I'm having a party and I would love if you all came

Li: ooh sounds fun

J: alright I'll text you the details

Ni: kay

Harry's tattoo was done, and the segment started again. I wasn't too psyched for a party, but James normally has some fun, low-key, entertaining parties. We left to go back to the hotel, after the show was over to change. We were all dressed quite nicely. Niall was wearing a button up shirt and a jean jacket with some nicer pants. Liam was wearing black jeans and a polo shirt. Harry was wearing his iconic cheetah print suit, and I was wearing some maroon pants and a white top. We hopped into the van and we started the drive to James' house. It was about an hour away, so we had time. For the first half we were scrolling on our phones, but soon we put them away and started talking.

Li: did I tell you about the time, when I came home and my turtle was just missing a foot

Ni: yes Liam you did. In interviews and just random moments.

H: just let him tell his story

We were all sharing weird stories from childhood, and we realized that we'd been sitting outside the house for half an hour. We hadn't been to James' house before, so we didn't recognize the street.

Lou: guys we're here. We gotta go in

Li: oh yeah, okay

We walked in and something immediately felt off. I wasn't quite sure what it was, so we walked into the living area where everyone else was. Liam walked over to the drinks and grabbed four beers. My nose started twitching. Liam handed me a beer, but I put a finger up to stop him. I sneezed twice into my elbow, before grabbing the beer.

Li: bless you. you good?

Lou: yeah i'm fine

I started drinking the beer, and sat down on a chair. That seemed to really set me off. I got up and walked into a corner. The minute I was away I started sneezing my head off. I felt a hand on my back, and after over 15 sneezes I seemed to slow down. It was Harry.

H: What's up Lou?

Lou: not really sure

H: what do you mean? Do you feel ill?

Lou: no I feel okay, just sneezy

H: okay, tell me if you feel worse

We walked back and I thought it might've been the couch, so I stayed standing in a separate part of the room. We had been there for about an hour when Luke Hemmings from 5sos walked over. We had been talking for about 20 minutes when I started up again. I sneezed a triple into my elbow and groaned.

Luke: you good mate?

Lou: ugh I don't know - i said sniffling

Luke: you don't look too well. I can have Ash take you back to the hotel if you'd like

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