Zayn and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

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A/N: this literally happened to me last week and it was miserable. sorry it's a bit slow, but i'll probably get something better up this week.

Everyone knows that Zayn loves his sleep. He normally sleeps until 11:45 on weekends at the earliest, and honestly he needed it. He got really grumpy and annoyed whenever he didn't get enough sleep. It was 10:15 when Liam came walking into the room.

Li: Lou and Haz are already asleep, and Niall is heading up now.

Z: So early?

Li: we're leaving tomorrow, remember? 5 hour drive to the next arena. We have to leave at 9:00 so everyone needs to be up by 8:15.

Z: 8:15?!

Li: yeah, so you better go to bed soon. Goodnight

Z: night

Zayn watched as Liam walked up the stairs and into his room. He decided that going to bed at 12:00 was fine, and so that was his plan. He watched tv until 11:45 and then walked up to his room. He continued to watch Netflix on his laptop until he looked at the time. It was 12:50am. Shit! He put his laptop away and laid down. He tried to fall asleep, but he was so anxious he would oversleep. He set an alarm and tried to relax. He fell asleep around 1:15. He woke up and blinked harshly at the light streaming in from his window. He picked up his phone and saw that it was only 6:50. He was going to go back to sleep, but the anxiety bubbled back up and he really didn't want to be late. He scrolled through Twitter until 7:15 when he finally became bored. He decided to just get up and get ready and finished packing. He got dressed and waited, but it took forever for everyone to finally come downstairs and get ready to leave, but Liam said we were leaving at 9:00 so he was trying to stay on the clock. Liam came down first.

Z: Can we get Dunkin?

Li: Sure, why not?

They ended up pulling out of the driveway at 8:59 and we were on the road. Liam was driving, Zayn was in the passenger seat, Louis and Harry were in the middle row, and Niall was already asleep in the last row. Zayn always got motion sick on car rides, so he was just going to try and ignore it for as long as possible. They drove for 20 minutes and Zayn was already queasy. They pulled into the Dunkin after 30 minutes of driving and he was this close to puking on the floor of the car. Liam parked and turned around toward everyone else.

Li: alright, what does everyone want?

Lou: chocolate glazed donut and a hot chocolate

H: glazed and an iced coffee please

Ni: one of everything?

Li: Ni what do you actually want?

Ni: same as Lou

Li: alright, Z?

Z: i'm okay

Li: what?

Z: I don't want anything

Lou: didn't you ask to come

Z: yeah, but I'm not in the mood anymore

Li: wanna get something and save it for later

Z: ummmmm

He thought about it

Z: sure, why not.

Li: alright, what do you want?

Z: strawberry glazed donut?

Li: sure

Liam walked into the restaurant and the other four sat in the car almost silently. Louis kissed Harry's jawline and cuddled into him. Zayn almost cooed out loud with how cute they were being. He still felt pretty queasy though, so he just got comfortable in his seat and waited for Liam. He was back in only like 10 minutes and then they got On The Road Again

(I literally had to)

Zayn was feeling super queasy, but he just blamed hunger and ate half of his doughnut. It actually helped so he ate the other half. They only got 20 more minutes of driving before he was sure he was going to puke on the floor. He turned to Liam, seeing a gas station up ahead.

Z: can we pull in there? I gotta pee

Li: Sure, anyone else?

There was a chorus of no's from the backseat and the minute the car stopped Zayn was out and speed-walking to the bathroom. He opened the door and saw that it was empty. He sighed in relief and pushed open the first stall. He retched hard and let out all of his small breakfast. He continued for another two rounds, until he was completely empty. He felt so much better after that though, and he walked back to the car. He sat back down in the front seat with a sigh and shut the door.

"All good?" Liam asked

Z: yep

Liam nodded his head and pulled out of the parking space. They continued driving and Zayn leaned against the window. For the next 30 minutes Zayn was falling in and out of consciousness. Finally he fell asleep. He was shaken awake by Liam. They'd stopped at a Wawa (gas station/restaurant thing) for lunch. Zayn didn't think he wanted to eat after the queasiness, but the minute they stepped inside the smell made him so hungry. He ordered chicken tenders and ended up eating it all. They all ate and made small talk (hehe) until everyone was full. They walked back to the car. Louis and Harry cuddled up in the back seat and fell asleep on each other. Niall was scrolling through Twitter and listening to music. Liam was listening to a podcast while he drove and Zayn was just staring out the window, spaced out. Somehow, in the blink of an eye, they'd arrived. Zayn swore it had only been 10 minutes but in reality it had been 2 ½ hours. They all walked into their AirBnB and picked out their rooms.


Everyone came bustling down the stairs and piled back into the car. They arrived at their managers house and filed in. Zayn was the last one in and a dog immediately jumped up on his knee. He backed away quickly.

Mark: don't be scared of him Z, he's nice and friendly

Z: not scared, just allergic

Mark: oh shit! sorry

Li: You gonna be okay Z?

Z: I don't know.

He honestly wasn't sure. Unfortunately he sniffled and sneezed through the entire meeting. When they finally were allowed to leave he was a congested mess. He kept sniffling and sneezing all throughout the car ride.

Lou: damn it Z that dog really fucked you up

Z: shud up - he sniffled miserably

H: you should shower when we get home. That helps with my hayfever.

Mmmmmmm - Zayn hummed in agreement

When they got home, that was the first thing Zayn did. God he felt miserable. He went to sleep early and the only thing reminding him it wasn't a dream was the taunting from the boys the next day.

One Direction SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora