Louis but no one believes him

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Louis woke up feeling awful. He had an excruciating headache, and he knew it was going to be a migraine before noon. It was currently only 9:30am Louis was thanking god they had a day off so he could just sleep the pain away.

"LOUIS!" Harry shouted up the stairs

Louis shot up hearing a scream. He saw that it was 10:15. Only 45 minutes of sleep.
"This is gonna be an amazing day" he muttered sarcastically.
"LOUIS!" Harry yelled again

He threw on some sweats and a t-shirt, before stumbling over to the door. The light flooding the hallways, turned his headache into a migraine almost instantly. He trudged down the stairs and didn't see anyone in the lounge. He was starting to think he was crazy. He walked into the kitchen, and again, it was empty. He just sat down and put his aching head in his hands.

"you ready to go tommo?" Liam asked

Louis jumped up in fright, and then winced. The sudden movement really hurt his pounding head.

"where?" he whispered
"what? Why are you whispering?" liam asked
"where are we going" he said, wincing at the volume of my own voice
Liam rolled his eyes "jeez you're acting weird. We're going to a music festival, remember? It's our only day off for a while, so we're gonna have a blast"
"I'm really tired Payno. I think I'll stay here"
"go take a quick nap then. We don't leave until 12:00"
"fine" Louis groaned

Obviously he wasn't going to be able to go to the festival, let alone make it to the driveway, so he just curled up and tried to fall asleep. It unfortunately didn't work, due to the consistent throbbing in his head. It synced up with his heartbeat, and he just wanted it to subside for 15 minutes. Just long enough for to fall asleep. He just tossed and turned until Liam came up. It felt like it had been 3 days since he had come upstairs, but when the door opened letting all the light in he shut my eyes in pain, and to stop the nausea that started.

"alright tommo time to get up" liam said
Louis moaned "I can't Liam. I feel so sick"
"ha sure Louis. Don't even try" liam shot him down
"don't fake just to get out of this. It's already ruined" liam pouted
"what are you talking about?"
"the festival, but it's been postponed. It started pouring half an hour ago" liam explained

"alright well we're about to start a movie marathon, please come join us"
"do we have migraine meds?" he whimpered
"quit it Lou" Liam said, getting frustrated
"fine I'll be down in a minute"

They were watching Captain America Civil War, Spiderman Homecoming, Avengers Infinity War, Avengers Endgame, and then Spiderman Far From Home. They were playing on a local channel. Although it had commercials, the boys watched a lot of their marathons. The Marvel movies were some of Louis' favorites, but the screaming and action was going to make him feel awful. He made it about halfway through Civil War, but then the thunder started. Every 3 minutes a nauseatingly loud boom would shake the house. That plus the movie was making him feel incredibly dizzy and sick.

"guys I feel really sick. I think I'm gonna go lay down" he announced
"cut the crap Lou. Liam told us you were trying to get out of this" Niall snapped
"can we please just enjoy this time for once" harry asked
"I can't! I feel awful" Louis protested
"cut it out please" Zayn asked

A boom shook the house, and then there was some yelling from the screen, and Louis couldn't take it. His theory from earlier proved to be correct as he stumbled to the bathroom, before dropping to his knees on the cold, hard tile. He vomited all of the food he'd eaten in the last 48 hours. The thunder and the sounds he was making, made his pain an 11 out of 10. Louis shakily got back to the couch to see the movie almost over. Somehow he made it to the end, and then everyone got up for bathroom breaks/drinks. He took this time to try and fall asleep. It did not work. The thunder was somehow getting louder, and it hurt like a mf.
"alright next one" Harry giggled
"guys I really need some migraine meds" Louis whined
"just enjoy the movie Lou. Let yourself relax" Zayn suggested
"why don't I pick up dinner then" Louis asked
"perfect. How about Pizza?"

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