Dresses aren't for Boys

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Yeosang was extremely pleased with himself at seeing the joyful expression glue itself on San's face. The younger boy's sorrow had washed away and Yeosang was happy knowing that his fashion show plan had worked so well in lightening San's mood.

Yeosang would admit he was a little nervous about wearing some of the outfits, but he kept reminding himself that he was doing this all for San. So before he'd open the curtain that separated himself from San, he'd mentally hype himself up like a performer getting ready to go out on stage, and once he was out there he'd try and make the most of it, pulling poses and doing funny things to make his performance memorable for his one man and occasional random stranger audience.

Seeing San's expressions of happiness, amazement and even lust made trying on all these outfits (some he considered absolutely ridiculous and others actually quite fitting on him) all worth it.

But even with the thought of trying on all these outfits selected by San for San's satisfaction in mind he still had his reserves about the one he'd left till last.

Out of all the outfits San had picked the denim overall dress was his favourite. But it was also the one he was most scared to put on because it reminded him of the past, and how wearing a dress when he was only a child had changed and shaped him into the person he thought he had to be up until recently.

When Yeosang was younger he was always fascinated with the pretty dresses his mother bought his sister; he loved all of their decorative patterns, cute colours and different shapes and styles.

Sometimes when he and his sister were playing dress ups he'd ask her whether he could wear her dresses. His sister, Jeongyeon, was only two years older so although her dresses were larger they weren't so large that they wouldn't fit, and to Yeosang's pleasure she was always happy to share.

But even at a very young age the concept of "Boy Things" and "Girl Things" was ingrained into every fibre of Yeosang's existence by his parents, so when he changed into her dresses he would do it in secret or as quickly as he could. Meaning he'd have the dress on long enough to admire it, but never long enough to appreciate it on his body to its full extent.

That was until one particular day.

His parents were out for the evening and in their place was a babysitter. Yeosang and Jeongyeon were playing dress ups in Jeongyeon's room, as they always would, when the babysitter walked in on Yeosang wearing a cute denim dress.

Yeosang had been mortified, and his sister having the same ingrained thoughts in her own mind was startled to death too. Yeosang could remember trying to hide and panicking that the babysitter would scold them harshly. But she hadn't, instead she had smiled, told Yeosang how pretty he looked and also told the both of them not to be afraid.

The babysitter had then walked over, picked up one of the many bows that Jeongyeon had upturned from her jewellery box onto the floor, and placed it in his hair.

"Keep it on if you want. I'll help you take it off before your Mummy and Daddy come home ok?" The babysitter had said. It was as if she knew that Yeosang being caught in the dress would be bad news.

She had smiled as she helped adjust the dress so it would sit nicely, and then slowly as the trust between them strengthened, Yeosang and Jeongyeon had smiled too, and for the rest of the evening Yeosang wore the dress.

Yeosang was only 5 and could barely tell the time, but Jeongyeon had said that when the big hand hits the 9 on the clock, that that's when their parents would be home, so they planned to change into their pyjamas and be ready for bed before then. Their parents would never know.

Yeosang had dinner, played games and danced all the while wearing the dress. He loved touching the fabric and spinning around with his sister in the living room so it fluttered out, and he was having a blast jumping around, the fabric bouncing with him.

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