For You

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After the siblings stopped swatting at each other they decided to part ways to return to their own dates since Yeosang and San wanted to go grab lunch and Jeongyeon and Nayeon wanted to continue looking around a bit longer and neither pair wanted to turn their dates into a double.

The two siblings promised that they would call each other later because they both clearly needed to talk, and it was clear from San's perspective that the pair were finally actually ready to talk.

Despite not having all the details San understood that because of Jeongyeon's and Yeosang's homophobic parents there was a huge strain on their relationship. Their overall need to keep their true selves a secret being the thing that was driving them apart.

San hoped that in time their relationship could get better, especially now since they knew one another's sexuality, they knew that they were on one another's side and they had each other's acceptance.

The two siblings needed each other's support whether they realised it to its full extent or not.

San himself hadn't always known the importance of having a sibling but once his father married his step mother, and through that marriage he gained a step brother, he could finally begin to understand.

Although San and his step brother Hyunjin weren't related by blood he was grateful for the youngers existence. His younger brother brought new perspective, and although a little sad he also understood San's loss, as the younger boy had lost his father to cancer around the same time San lost his mother to a pregnancy gone wrong. While the circumstances of the death were drastically different the fact that they'd both lost an important figure in their life was something they could resonate on, and what was good was that they didn't have to talk about what happened to understand; they just knew.

Hyunjin understood that certain things reminded San of his mother, and he understood that sometimes you just need a moment to turn their photo away so you can breathe because looking at them hurts too much. Hyunjin also understood why certain holidays and places were met with sadness rather than happiness, and he understood that in these moments what the other needed was not to be told to cheer up and get over things but rather just a simple I get it, and it's ok to not be ok.

To San, a sibling prior to having Hyunjin in his life, was something he could live without because he didn't know any different, but now that he had him he couldn't live without him. There were likely plenty of step children out in the world that didn't get along with their step siblings but for San and Hyunjin their relationship was perfect. Of course they squabble like any siblings would, but they respect and appreciate one another's past circumstances, as well as the fact that they have one another in their lives.

San wanted a respectful, appreciative and understanding sibling relationship for Yeosang too, especially since the relationship between the older and his parents was all over the place; Yeosang needed someone in his family that he could always come home too and could rely on. So with time he hoped the two could mend what had been broken between them and he hoped that with each others support they could become more confident within themselves and taking a stand against their parents.

What Yeosang does with his sisters was now up to him, but in the meantime San and Yeosang had their own relationship to focus on.

After the two girls left, Yeosang darted back into the stall. San was a little disappointed that he hadn't got a photo of Yeosang in the dress, but he could understand Yeosang's need to change back so soon. San knew he probably felt very uncomfortable right now.

"Well that was unexpected" San spoke through the curtain as Yeosang got changed. The older had handed him the clothes he had tried on and San was currently sitting on the couch and putting some of them back on their hangers, while others he was folding nicely so he could get them for Yeosang. "Your sister and yourself don't really speak much do you?" he questioned.

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